1503: October 2018

APPROVEDThe City Council held meeting # 1503 on Monday, October 1, 2018, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Teske.
Present were Ms. Williams, Ms. Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Beach, Mr. Dufficy, Mr. Taylor, City Administrator Jim Hammons, and City Clerk Audray McCollum. City Attorney Dean Chisolm was absent.

Mr. Zimmerman Made a Motion to approve the minutes from meeting #1502 held on September 17, 2018.
Ms. Smith Second.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.
The city council received a thank you letter for the Libby Elks for allowing the street closure request for their corn hole tournament.
Mr. Hammons said the Montana League is offering waterline insurance. The insurance cost the homeowner $5.75 per month and is no cost to the city. The insurance covers the replacement cost of any broken pipes or frozen pipes and damage that might be done to their sidewalk and property. The company will use local contractors. Mayor Teske said the company comes in and markets the insurance program to the residents. Mayor Teske asked the council to review the program before the next meeting.
Committee Reports:
City Administrator: Mr. Hammons said divers vacuumed out the sediment and inspected the water storage tanks, this was done in 2009. In the next few weeks, Huber will come in and dewater and service the press at the wastewater plant.
The city crew will start sweeping the streets, cleaning up after the chip seal project.

Fire: Mr. Zimmerman reported Libby Volunteer Fire Department responded to 8 calls in the month of September,2 in the city, 3 rural and 3 outside of the city.
Police: Chief Kessel reported there were 264 calls for service in September resulting in 34 citations,17 arrests,6 DUI’S and 1 search warrant which recovered drugs, marijuana, methamphetamines, and cash.
Chris Pape was promoted to sergeant by recommendation of the Police Commission. He will replace Darren Short. Chief Kessel is reviewing applications for a new city police officer and will meet with the police commission.
Resolutions/Ordinances: None
Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: None
Building: Mr.Beach said the city crews are inspecting the city building roofs prior to winter.
Water/Sewer: None.
Cemetery/Parks: None.
Finance: Ms. McCollum has submitted the budget to the state. Ms. McCollum will start working with Denning, Downey on the closing for FY 18 and the audits for FY 17 and 18.
KRDC: Mr. Zimmerman was unable to attend the last meeting.
City-County Board of Heath: None.
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:
William Stokesberry,203 Mineral Ave, owns Bills Auto said: “the chainsaw event was a nice thing, but it shut his business down, he was blocked off on Mineral Ave and on 2nd Street by food vendors.” Stokesberry asked whom he should talk to, so this does not happen in the future.
Mayor Teske said, “now that the city is aware of this when Kootenai Country Montana comes and asks for the street closure in the future, the council will make this part of their consideration for the street closure request.”
Zimmerman asked if Bob Henline had talked to Mr. Stokesberry about the vendor’s location.
Mr. Stokesberry said no one asked him.
Ms. Smith said Kootenai Country Montana was the organization that puts on the event, and Mr. Stokesberry should contact them.

New Business:
Tina Oliphant,64 Lincoln Blvd., Planning for the City of Libby.
Ms. Oliphant executive director of KRDC talked to the council about a formal comprehensive development plan, aka growth policy; the last policy was done in 2010. Oliphant said her timing was motivated by the zoning discussions at the September 17 council meeting and some public comments made over the Flower Creek Trails project. Oliphant said Mike Frasier the City of Libby engineer came and asked if Oliphant could assist with some funding for a CDBG grant which led to a conversation about the most successful small towns were taking the planning process seriously.
Oliphant said that grants that are competitive with the State of Montana are the towns that have a community planning project. The grant application needs to include prioritizing the needs and a capital improvement plan.
Oliphant said she met with the council two years ago and talked about the need and value of updating the growth policy.
Oliphant asked the City of Libby to make this a priority.
Mayor Teske said when the city met with Oliphant two years ago there were several plans that were out of date. The Capital Improvements Plan, Growth Policy and the PERS. At the time, the city decided to fund PERS, and it has been completed. Teske said the council would decide what project to do next.
Council discussion followed.
Smith said the last growth policy was an action-based growth policy and the planning board has taken direction from the policy. She would like to see a strategic action plan for community growth.
Mayor Teske asked if the council was opposed to starting this process.
No one was opposed.

Mr. Hammons said the last Capital Improvements Plan was done in 2011 and the city has done a lot of projects and invited the council to look at his book and notes.

Approve the one-year Lease for the Libby/Lincoln County Forester for $200 per month beginning September 10,2018 and ending September 10,2019.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to approve the one-year lease for the Lincoln County Forester.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.
Approve the one year lease for the Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency for $350.00 per month beginning on September 10,2018 and ending September 10,2019.
Mrs.Williams MADE A MOTION to approve the one year lease for Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.
Approve new business license received to date.
• Everything RV/Kirshner Trailer Service.
• Scubby Bubbles.

Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to approve the new business licenses.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.

Approve all claims and payroll for the month of September 2018.
Mrs.Williams MADE A MOTION to approve the claims and payroll for the month of September 2018.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.

Adopt Ordinance 1927-An ordinance of the city council of the City of Libby Montana, amending chapter 8.08.010 of the Libby municipal code entitled “accumulation of trash and junk and prohibited.” Second Reading.
Mr. Zimmerman Made a Motion to Adopt Ordinance 1927.
Mrs. Williams SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.
Adopt Ordinance 1928-An ordinance of the city council of the City of Libby Montana amending chapter 9.52 of the Libby municipal code entitled “loitering.” Second Reading
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to adopt ordinance 1928.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.
Adopt Ordinance 1929- An ordinance of the city council of the City of Libby Montana, amending certain sections of chapter 5 of the Libby municipal code entitled “business licenses and regulations.” Second Reading.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to accept 1929.
Mrs. Williams SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy, Taylor voted FOR.
Libby Web Site Re-Design:
Mrs. Williams will meet with the committee and assess the project.

Council Rules and Procedure:
Mrs. Williams gave council an updated version of Council Rules and Procedures.
Council discussion followed.
Mrs. Williams asked the council to read the draft carefully and reply to her with any comments or changes by October 10.

General Comments from the Council:
Mayor Teske said he had received several calls from concerned business owners since the last council meeting. He would like the city to start an email list so community residents and business owners can receive the council’s agendas.
Mrs. Williams MADE a MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
The meeting ADJOURNED at 8:50 pm.

__________________ Attest; ______________________
Brent Teske Audray J. McCollum, City Clerk/Treasurer