The City Council held meeting # 1516 on Monday, April 15, 2019, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske.
Present were Mrs. Williams, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Beach, Ms. Smith, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dufficy. City administrator Jim Hammons and City Attorney Dean Chisolm wear absent.
Mr. Mark Smith offered the prayer.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve the minutes from Council Meeting #1514 held on March 18, 2019.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Mrs. Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Beach, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Mayor Teske announced there will be groundwater meeting April 23, 2019, at 6:30 in the Ponderosa Room present by the EPA.
Committee Reports:
City Administrators Report: None
Cemetery/Parks: Mrs. Williams said the city will be working with Riley Excavating to pour concrete at Pocket Park. The Arbor Day tree planting will be April 26, 2019, at 4:00pm to plant flowering crab trees at the new pocket park, and the public is invited to attend.
Fire: Zimmerman said there were 3 calls for March 2019 1 in City and 2 County.
Mayor Teske cautioned the public.” Even though there is still snow on the ground, we have had several grass fires across the state.”
Police: None
Resolution/Ordinances: None

Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: None
Building: None
Water/Sewer: Zimmerman said there was a service break on 8th St. today that has been fixed.
KRDC: Meeting is the third Thursday of this month.

Finance: None
City-County Board of Health: Laura Larson Crismore reported that Lincoln County will be hiring a Coalition Coordinator to obtain a grant through the Head Water Foundation in Missoula.
Joint site inspection between DEQ and Asbestos Resource Program are conducting joint site inspections at the conclusion of construction of remedial action, to determine remedy has been constructed in accordance with the record of decision and remedial design. The inspection earlier this year inspected 23 properties chosen at random from OU7 and OU4 (Libby-Troy). The properties were reviewed by Asbestos Resource Program and DEQ. There were some concerns shared with the EPA. DEQ then requested 10 more properties be selected at random for review. Asbestos Resource Program has completed their 10 properties and are waiting for DEQ to complete the review. Upon completion, they can move on to the Operational and Functional period.
Teske: Is there a common thread in the assessment?
Crismore: They are not agreeing, DEQ is coming up with something entirely different than the EPA.
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:
Allen Gerstenecker – 250 Norman Ave. representing Kootenai Cross Country Ski Club. He thanked the Council for the $15,000 match grant. Gerstenecker requested an easement on the road to the ski club. The easement would help the city maintain the road for the ski club and ensure the safety for the after-school kids.
Dufficy: asked, “How many kids are in the after-school program”?
Gerstenecker said about 40-60 kids.
Dufficy asked, “How many members are there in the ski club”?
Gerstenecker said around 150 members.
New Business:
Approve the Independent Contractor Agreement Lincoln County Park District Manager of Parks.
Mrs. Williams requested an update from Mr. Petrusha before council votes. “There has not had an update since the first of the year.”
Ms. Smith agreed and asked when the last payment was made.
Ms. McCollum said it was made in FY 18.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to postpone this until Mr. Petrusha was available to attend a council meeting.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Beach, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Approval of Website to distribute funds to Nate Condron.
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to pay Nate Condon.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Beach, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Approval of New Business Licenses received to date:
The Sweet Escape – 114 W. 3rd Street Libby – Salon Services
Snowshoe Gardens and Christmas Wreaths – 18 Midland Libby-Lawn care and Christmas Wreaths, other services as needed.
SMC – 253 Forest Ave. Libby- General Contractor, Concrete, Landscaping, new and old construction.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to approve.
Mr. Zimmerman SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR.
Tidy Up – 90 Echo Lane Libby – Traveling house cleaning
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to approve.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Beach, Smith, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR.
Zimmerman ABSTAINED.
Approve and search out an Environmental Law Firm to assist in the IP negotiations. Mayor Teske said there is no new news at this time, but International Paper cannot back out. Mayor Teske emailed some information from the EPA to council members.
General Comments from Council:
Mayor Teske said the City of Libby is getting a push from the EPA and DEQ to delist OU1 (Riverfront Park). “We will need to start having discussion on this soon. They have sent two drafts of environmental covenant that were forwarded to the attorney. One draft has additional covenant for well drilling above and beyond what will already be in place between the City ordinance and CGA. The other one is without that. The attorney has no issues with them. I have emailed them to you, as we need to start discussion on this. The bigger picture is what’s going to happen with O&F and O&M in the future. We don’t know what’s going to happen with that in the time frame that we have to work with.”
Council discussion followed.
Mayor Teske said, “What will happen in the future”? He can line up technical advisement and will reach out to Dania Zimmer.
Mayor Teske received an email from Terry Kelly from Flathead Electric Co-Op regarding grants to put in electric vehicle charging stations at the Chamber of Commerce and possibly matching funds.
Ms. Smith will follow up with Terry Kelly at Flathead Electric.
Mr. Zimmerman updated council on WWI monument on Mineral Ave. Concrete to be poured this week statue and flagpole in place by May, then lighting, fencing, and plaques. The cost should be between eight and ten thousand when done they have raised six thousand so far.
Zimmerman asked if the city would be willing to donate? Other boards and committees have already donated.
Ms. Smith asked, “Has there been a public campaign in the paper”?
Smith said, “Council would request that this be presented in the same manner as other groups are asked to do.”
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to adjourn
Mr. Zimmerman SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Beach, Zimmerman, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM
__________________ Attest; ______________________
Mayor Brent Teske Audray J. McCollum, City Clerk/Treasurer

Transcribed by Charlotte Luedecke.