The City Council held meeting # 1518 on Monday, May 20, 2019, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Peggy Williams.

Present were Ms. Smith, Mr. Beach, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dufficy, Mrs. Williams, Deputy City Clerk Charlotte
Luedecke, City Administrator Jim Hammons. Mayor Teske and Mr. Zimmerman were absent.

Tom Cole offered the prayer.


No announcements currently.

Committee Reports:

CITY ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Hammons explained that we applied for 3 grants, one from CDBG, one from TCEP and one from RRGL. We were originally 55 on the RRGL (Revolving Resources Grants and Loans) list, but they did another funding cycle, and we got $125,000. This should bring the fund to approximately $800,000 towards our water projects. We will be receiving a letter with the soon.

Camp hosts at fireman’s Park arrived today. They are from Pennsylvania; Mr. Hammons will be getting them lined up this week.

The bathrooms at Fireman’s Park are open. Gravel has been placed in front of it; this area will be paved later this summer.

Mr. Hammons gave a shout out to a couple of our guys for taking on the sprinkler systems, not knowing a lot about it, they have done a great job. This is the first in many, many years that we have not contracted out. They are still finding things not taken care of over the years. It has cost a little bit of money, but it is up and going, and Mr. Hammons is really happy with the way it has turned out this year”.

Weeds have been sprayed, the yard boulevard and cemetery are looking really good instead of like a “mustard field with all of the dandelions”.

When asked about the Mineral Avenue baskets, Mr. Hammons replied that they will go back up within the next week or so.

FIRE: None.

Police: None

Resolutions/Ordinances None

Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: None

Building: None

Water/Sewer: Mr. Hammons said that the camera has been ordered. They should be here toward the end of the month to do a demonstration and get the crew trained.

Cemetery/Parks: None

Finance: Mrs. Williams said that she laid paperwork on a timeline for getting the budget together at everyone’s place. This kind of lays out the weeks we’ll need to have meetings, so you can plan, and the 2 dates at the end are the deadlines that we need to meet to adopt the budget. The department heads have all been given a “wish list/needs.” When Audray gets back, a meeting will be scheduled for early June.

Mrs. Williams said that she attended the audit exit with the accountant last Friday. We got a good audit; this was a 2-year audit ending 2017 and 2018. He was very complimentary to Audray that she did a very good job. That report should be ready for council in early June.

Mr. Dufficy: “Madame Mayor, I asked him if he could generally figure what our income to debt ratio would be for a small city as opposed to others in Montana, and he said he could do that. Did he share that information with you at all”?

Mrs. Williams: “No, he did not share that information.”

Mr. Dufficy: “Just, generally speaking, I didn’t need facts & figures. I just wanted to know how we stack up”.

Mrs. Williams: “That could be in the audit report, the written report. We’ll wait and see, and if it’s not there, then we’ll ask again”.

KRDC: None.

City-County Board of Health (BOH): Ms. Larsen- Crismore said that Mayor Teske had asked for clarification on the purpose of the Headwaters Foundation Grant. The Headwaters Foundation, an Early Childhood Initiative, invited 6 communities to partner to advance early childhood collaborations in the three areas. of healthy pregnancy, positive parenting, and school readiness. Lincoln County was invited to partner with Headwaters Foundation in a planning grant. At an August 17, 2018 meeting the community selected Lincoln County Health Department to serve as the anchor organization for the local initiative. Currently, the goals are to create a larger collaborative representing different sectors to identify system gaps and develop and implement a program that is sustainable in Lincoln County.

Also, asked at the April BOH report was clarification regarding the discrepancies on the Asbestos Resource Program Inspection vs. DEQ inspections. At this time the Asbestos Resource Program manager Virginia Kocieda would like to defer answering until the final report is available. As soon as we know something, it will be shared.

May BOH meeting, there is an estimated update to years remaining in the current landfill, due to updated procedures the new estimate has updated from 7 years to 11 ½ years left in the landfill cell. Some of those updated procedures include e-waste collection. A copy of what you’re allowed to take to the landfill is included. They’ll be accepting waste until mid- August. A notice will routinely be shared on the county website, so people know what they can bring. The list has changed a is a pretty big list.

Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:

New Business:

Resolution 1936 – A Resolution of the City of Libby, A Municipal Corporation, authorizing the mayor to execute a quitclaim deed, re: old chorine building to Kauzlarich

Mrs. Williams read the Resolution aloud.

Council discussion followed.

Mr. Dufficy MADE A MOTION to approve Resolution 1936.

Ms. Smith, SECOND.

Ms. Smith, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Beach, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Dufficy voted FOR.


Approve the appointment process of the Libby City Judge by either a committee or through the Libby City Council.

Council Discussion. It was decided that this will be put on agenda as unfinished business going forward and Mrs. Williams will start the process, bringing it forward at next month’s meeting.

Approve new business licenses received to date:

Benefield Creek Excavating – 36318 US Hwy 2- Excavating of utilities, foundations, septic’s, clearing of homesites, road building, landscaping

Brieland Excavating LLC – 470 Education Way – General Excavating, Final Grades, Underground utilities

Dirty Rooster – 315 Mineral Ave., 24-hour coin-op laundromat

Mirza Hearing Services LLC, 225 Commerce Way, Room 111 -Sakes and service of hearing instruments

Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to approve.

Mr. Dufficy SECOND.

Ms. Smith, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Beach, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Dufficy voted FOR.
Unfinished Business:

Approve and search out an Environmental Law Firm to assist in the IP negotiations.

No new information on this will carry over to next meeting.

Transparency Week

Mr. Taylor asked for Council approval to move Transparency Week back to June 2, 2019, through June 8, 2019. He has been in contact with Mr. Dan Clark of MSU Local Government Support Center, he is willing to come on Tuesday, June 5th and do a presentation on the Montana Constitution, Right to Know and Right to Participate. This would require funding by the City Council of somewhere between $700 to $800 dollars that could be used out of Professional Service Account.
Proposed schedule: 6/3/19 @ 7:00 – Regular Council Meeting
6/4/19 @ 6:00 – Dan Clark presentation
6/5/19 @ 6:30 – Superintendent of Schools and Police Chief – presentation
on levy for School Resource Officer
6/6/19 @ 6:00 – Open House and discussion with the public

Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to move Transparency Week to 6/2/19 – 6/8/19.

Mr. Beach SECOND.

Ms. Smith, Mrs. Williams, Mr. Beach, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Dufficy voted FOR.


Live Streaming – Mr. Beach said he is working on that and hopes to have it ready by Transparency Week.


Ms. Smith said, “I’m pleased to see weed spraying that’s really nice. It looks a lot better I noticed and that the yet to be named park on Mineral Ave. is looking good as well”.

Mr. Dufficy MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting.

Mr. Taylor, SECOND.


The meeting ADJOURNED at 7:30 pm.

______________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor, Brent Teske Charlotte P. Luedecke, Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer