The City Council held meeting # 1520 on Monday, June 17, 2019, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske.
Present were Mrs. Williams, Mr. Zimmerman, Ms. Smith, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dufficy, and City Administrator Jim Hammons. City Attorney Dean Chisolm and Mr. Beach were absent.
Mr. Bill Sontag offered the prayer.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve the minutes from Public Hearing held on May 6, 2019, public comments on the abandonment of a portion of Larch Street Located between Highway 2 and Millwood Lane.
Mrs. Williams, SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Public Hearing on the purposed zoning changes on the downtown district and the new highway district July 8th at 6pm in council chambers.
Committee Reports:
City Administrators Report: None
Cemetery/Parks: None.
Fire: None.
Police: Sergeant Pape reported there were 266 calls for service on the month of May resulting in, 31 arrest, 44 citations, and 4 DUI arrests.
Resolution/Ordinances: None
Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: None
Building: None
Water/Sewer: None.
KRDC: Mayor Teske said the Wayfinding signs are being manufactured and the city should receive a shipping date. The city would like the signs up before paving starts.
Finance: Budget meeting on Tuesday the 26th at noon.
City-County Board of Health: Laura Larson – Crismore gave an update on the Chronic Wasting Disease. There will be a letter issued from Fish Wildlife and Parks to 5000 residents in Lincoln County. There have been 2 deer in the City of Libby, test positive with the disease. FWP will update their website and Facebook page weekly.
The County Library hosted an ATV prevention class. 36 children attended, and 15 helmets were given away.
PBS aired a special on recycling in Montana that highlighted Eureka.
County Health is developing a plan; surveys were sent out to multiple community members to gain feedback on what perceived county health care should look like.
The ARP participated with the Libby asbestos fire simulation exercise. This exercise helps to prepare several agencies in the event of a fire within the modified OU3 area.
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:
New Business:
Approve street closure request for Kootenai Country Montana for the Chainsaw carving contest. September 11,2019 – September 14,2019(7 am- 6pm) From the First block of Mineral Ave to East 1st Roundabout to a section just past 2nd ST not to block off the curb cut and allow Mineral Ave access to business. Extend West on East 2nd ST. to Tony’s Muffler then up to Genes body Shop. Sunday, September 15,2019 requesting the additional closure, to include the entire block of West 2nd from Mineral Ave to California Ave for a live action.
Troy Douthit from Kootenai Country Montana gave council an update on the event details and asked for the street closure.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION for the street closure as requested.
Mr. Dufficy SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Approve an open container exception for Kootenai Country Montana during the event. September 11-16 from 8am-6pm.
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to approve an open container exemption for Kootenai Country Montana Chainsaw carving between 8 am – 6pm Sept 12- 15.
Mr. Dufficy SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
David Hadden from the Headwaters Montana Inc.- To inform the council and public on the Montana DEQ and British Columbia s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change are currently negotiating a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for finalizing a water quality standard for Selenium at the international border in Lake Koocanusa.
David Hadden from the Headwaters Montana Inc. updated the council on the issue of selenium in the Kootenai River that is coming from coal mines in Canada.
Council Discussion Followed.
Approve a Letter to Governor Bullock to (a) Support an open process in the MT-BC MOU negotiations process so that local people can observe and participate in rules that will guide the establishment of a selenium standard at the border and (b) Support the $6 million FY 2020 federal appropriations requested for water quality research on Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River as part of Montana’s effort to monitor and document water quality in the transboundary Kootenai.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to approve the writing of a letter directed to Governor Bollock and copied to congressional delegations, reporting that the open process negotiations so the local people can observe them participate in the rules and to support the 6 million in FY 2020 federal appropriations for water quality research on Lake Koocanusa . The council will view the letter before it is sent.
Ms. Smith, SECOND.
Alan Gerstenecker, 250 Norman, stated he has been working with Mr. Hadden on this issue for a couple of years. He thanked the council for the letter of support.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Approval of New Business Licenses received to date:
JoJillys Cleaning Service.
Spray Tanning by Sue.
The Project Place.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to approve all business license received to date.
Ms. Smith, SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR.
Approve and search out an Environmental Law Firm to assist in the IP negotiations- Mayor Teske has not been in contact with Mr. Payne or IP.
Appointment process of the Libby City Judge. -Council gave their comments and suggestions on the Judges’ application, job advertisement, and job description that Mrs. Williams had composed. Mrs. Williams will edit them for the next council meeting.
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to approve the Declaration of institutional controls on real property for OU1 River Front Park.
Mr. Zimmerman, SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR.
Accept zoning recommendations from the planning board- Public Hearing is scheduled for July 8th at 6pm.
General Comments from Council:
Ms. Smith said it might be beneficial to get the monthly KRDC report from Tina Oliphant.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to adjourn.
Mr. Dufficy SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Taylor, and Dufficy voted FOR.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03PM

__________________ Attest; ______________________
Mayor Brent Teske Audray J. McCollum, City Clerk/Treasurer