LIBBY, MT. 59923 |PHONE 406‐293‐2731| FAX 406‐293‐4090 | WEBSITE:
JANUARY 6, 2020 @ 7:00PM
o Pledge of Allegiance
o Roll Call
o Welcome
o Prayer offered by Phillip Coblentz.
o Approve minutes from meeting 1531, held on December 6, 2019.
• City Administrators Report
• Fire
• Police
• Ordinances
• Lights/Streets/Sidewalks
• Building
• Water/Sewer
• Cemetery/Parks
• Finance
• City-County Board of Health
• Park District Manager of Projects
PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: This is an opportunity for the public to offer comments related to issues that are not currently on the agenda that the council has jurisdiction over, limited to 3 minutes.

NEW BUSINESS: Each new agenda item will be introduced by the Mayor (or assigned liaison) with a description of the item and explanation for the recommended action. Following council discussion on each item will be an opportunity for public comment (prior to any action taken). Public comment is limited to agenda item being discussed (limit to 3 minutes

1. Swear in elected Officials- Peggy Williams, Brian Zimmerman, Hugh Taylor, and Rob Dufficy.

2. Elect Council President (Two Year Term).

3. Reappoint Jennifer Nelson to the Planning Board and Zoning Commission.

4. Approve City Attorney Contract-Dean Chisholm.

5. Approve City Engineer Contract-Mike Fraser.

6. Approve WGM Group contract.

7. Approve request by Libby Outdoor Recreation Association to construct a parking area adjacent to FS128 on City property.

8. Approve Kootenai Cross Country Ski Club to pave approximately a half-mile of existing course trail.

9. Approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between City of Libby and AFSCME Libby Montana Municipal Employees Local 3034. July 1,2019- June 30,2021

10. Approve all coin-operated amusement devise licenses received to date.

1) Mint Bar.
11. Approve all liquor licenses received to date.
1) Cabinet Mountain Brewing Co.
2) Libby Empire Foods.
3) Black Board Bistro, LLC.
4) Lucky Lil’s Casino of Libby.
5) Lucky Logger Casino of Libby.
6) Town Pump of Libby.
7) Switchback Bar and Grill.
8) Rosauers Food and Drug Center #14.
9) Mint Bar

12. Approve all business licenses received to date.
1. Holly Clark Insurance LLC-18 Quartz Ave -Health Insurance.
2. Lake Masonry and Stone-2 Reynolds Drive Dillon MT-Concrete, Masonry and Construction.
3. RAB, LLC-684 Taylor RD-Rental Home.
4. TLC Carpet Cleaning and Restoration-134 Ski Road-Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, Pet odor Removal, Water Damage Restoration, Water Extraction.

13. Approve all Claims and Payroll for December 2019.

Unfinished Business:
1. City of Libby Wildlife Management Plan.

2. IP negotiations.

3. Zoning for the proposed Downtown Business District and Highway Commercial District.



The manner of Addressing Council:

Each person, not a Council member shall address the Council, at the time designated in the agenda or as directed by the Council, by stepping to the podium or microphone, giving that person’s name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record, unless further time is granted by the Council, shall limit the address to the Council to three minutes.
All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member of the Council or Staff.
No person all remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member of the Council or Staff.
No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter any discussion either directly or through a member of the Council, without the permission of the
Presiding Office Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous or disruptive during the council meeting shall be forthwith barred from further presentation to the council by the presiding officer unless permission to continue by granted by a majority vote of the council. Posted 12/30/19