approved minutes
The City Council held meeting # 1531 on Monday, December 02, 2019, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske.
Present were Mr. Zimmerman, Ms. Smith, Mr. Beach, Ms. Williams, Mr. Dufficy, City Attorney Dean Chisholm, Deputy Clerk Jody Martin. Administrator Jim Hammons, Hugh Taylor, and Clerk Audray McCollum were absent.
Prayer Offered by Phillip Coblentz
Mr. Zimmerman Made A Motion to approve minutes from Meeting 1529, held on November 4, 2019
Mr. Beach, SECOND
Ms. Smith stated on page 3, 4th paragraph that starts with Petrusha, on the Rac, all letters should be capitalized; it’s an Acronym for Resource Advisory Committee (RAC). Further down in New Business, Tina Oliphant represents KRDC, that should be reflected, not her address.
Williams, Zimmerman, Smith, Beach, Dufficy voted FOR.
Committee Reports:
City Administrators Report: Mayor Teske said the wayfinding signs have shown up. Some are damaged and some missing, Mr. Hammons is working with the company. Also, we are waiting on the clamps to put them on the poles. Crews have been working on a couple of water leaks, getting them taken care of before winter.
Fire: There Were a total of 12 calls for the month of November, 5 city, 5 rural, 2 outside city limits, 2 vehicle, 1 structure, 2 chimney, 3 Ambulance aid, 1 false alarm, 2 propane, 1 Misc., a total of 96 calls for 2019
Police: There were 261 calls for service in the month of November, 26 arrests and 22 citations were issued. Previous year we had 235 calls for service, 32 arrests, 33 citations. The jump in arrest of the prior year was 5 juveniles that were arrested for possession of tobacco. Chief Kessel attended the Attorney General’s round table on methamphetamines, got some good feedback from the Attorney General on some potential training resources.
Mayor Teske asked that he keep getting the word out on Facebook about the snow removal ordinance in effect.
Resolutions/Ordinances: Committee met on November 19 th and discussed Business License Renewals and revisions to alcohol-related ordinances.
Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: None
Building: None
Water/Sewer: Mr. Zimmerman said there were a couple of water leaks taken care of and the sewer rate increase being looked at. It will be publicized in the next few weeks and then there will have a public hearing.
Cemetery/Parks: None
Finance: None
KRDC: None.
City-County Board of Heath: Laura Larson-Crismore reported that Environmental Health is fully staffed, two new employees. Nine deer were tested for CWD and 8 were positive. The board of health is requesting a representative from Kalispell Fish, Wildlife, and Parks office to be available for the next Board Meeting. Once the meeting is confirmed it will be announced. Representatives from the Department of Environmental Quality, Environmental Protection Agency, Lincoln County, and the United States Forest Services met to lend support for the Asbestos Resource Program to continue monitoring efforts in Libby during Operable Unit 3 fire events. A draft has been completed for Operable Units 4 & 7, known as the institutional Control implementation, and Assurance Plan is currently in public comment period through December 31st, 2019.
Park District Manager: None
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items: None
New Business:
Mayor Teske stated that when the agenda was set last week, Gary Neff was to be reappointed to the City Planning Board. Mr. Neff came in and said due to Health reasons he will not be taking the position on the Planning Board. The City Administrator will post that position.
Mayor Teske asked for any further council discussion.
Council Discussion followed.
Approve Ordinance 1951 New Section in Title 5, Chapter 4 Business Licenses General Provisions: “Failure to Renew.” First Reading
Ms. Smith said that the City sends out business license renewals every year, and it became difficult to get some to renew in a timely fashion; she would like to create language in the ordinance that would allow the City to add fees.
Ms. Williams MADE A MOTION to Approve Ordinance 1951
Mr. Beach SECOND
Mayor Teske asked if there was any other council discussion or public comment? There were none.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy voted FOR.
Mayor Teske said there will be a second reading on December 16th
• Midnight Grind LLC
• Mustang Bakery LLC
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve all business licenses received to date.
Ms. Smith, SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy voted FOR.
Mr. Beach MADE A MOTION to approve claims and payroll for November 2019.
Ms. Williams, SECOND.
Mayor Teske asked if there is any council or public comment. There were none.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Dufficy voted FOR.
Unfinished Business:
Mayor Teske said the City wildlife management committee met, Mr. Dufficy can give an update.
Mr. Dufficy said that they were going over nuisance animal plans from smaller towns to get an idea and discussed nuisance animals such as turkeys. Mr. Taylor has talked with Fish, Wildlife and Parks and talked about our options. There is no feedback as of yet, also discussed dangerous or predatory animals. Everything still up in the air at this time.
Mayor Teske asked if there is any council discussion or public comment. There were none.
Mayor Teske announced that the City had heard nothing new from Mr. Payne on the IP negotiations.
Council discussion followed.
Zoning for the Proposed Downtown Business District and Highway Commercial District.
Last meeting Council chose to recognize a separate zoning commission with members of the planning committee making up that commission; the legal counsel needs to draft language to repeal one resolution and draft a second by the next council meeting and so it can be on the agenda.
General Comments from the Council.
There were none.
Ms. Williams MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
Mr. Dufficy SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR: MOTION PASSED.
The meeting ADJOURNED at 9:36 pm.

______________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor, Brent Teske Jody Martin Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer