Planning Board: April 2018

City Planning Board Meeting Minutes04-23-2018

Meeting started: 6:07pm
Attendance: Kristin Smith, Mark Andreasen, Gary Neff, Bobbi McCanse, Virginia Kocieda
Public: Ronald Higgins, City of Libby Building Inspector
1. Kristin Smith gave a summary of the board activities to Mr. Higgins. The board had questions about commercial development and ADA state requirements
2. Sight Distance for fences: based on site triangle
i. Fences up to 7 ft are exempt
ii. Over 7ft: need a building permit to make sure there is sufficient concrete/fence post structure strength
3. Continued discussion on Highway Commercial District (HCD)
a. Page 1 Condition #3: Gary Neff wants to reword
b. Want signage to emphasize the permitted uses (ex. restaurant in the casino)
c. Casino signage shall not be separate from signage prompting primary use
4. Use the word “opacity” within Section C. Autorepair facilities
a. Consider rewording
b. Professionals use different apps to show mature landscaping and programs to show (x) % of opacity looks like
c. Board settled on 70% opacity but still open for discussion
5. Discussion with map to review plans for districting
a. Downtown district:
i. Residential block east of alley of Mineral Ave and Montana Ave from the alley between 2nd and 3rd of said block south to Lincoln Blvd
ii. Residential Block between E. 5th and W. Lincoln Blvd, west side of alley between Montana Ave and Louisiana Ave as business residential
iii. Between E. 6th alley between 2nd and 3rd St -mark as business residential
iv. Downtown District will end at the highway from the alley between California Ave and Mineral Ave, alley within the block of Mineral Ave – 8th – Montana Ave
v. South of 10th: keep residential? Will continue discussion
6. Next Meeting: Highway district – go over draft and voting
7. Virginia Kocieda motioned to end the meeting, Gary Neff 2nd the motioned, all approved.
Meeting ended: 7:45