Planning Board: March 2018

City Planning Board Meeting MinutesMarch 12th, 2018
Meeting started: 6pm
Attendance: Mark Andreasen, Kristen Smith, Gary Neff, Jennifer Nelson, Virginia Kocieda
Public: none
Jennifer Nelson motioned to accept meeting minutes, Gary Neff seconded the motion – approved by board.
Meeting Minutes:
(1) Introduction and summary of board activities to help new board member, Mark Andreasen, come up to speed on recent work done by board.
(2) Continued discussion on developing Highway Commercial District (HCD) Zoning
a. Prohibited Uses
i. Want to include some relevant prohibited uses in HCD into the Downtown Business District (DBD)
ii. Gary Neff mentioned a requirement for car storage in the back of properties, behind a fence
iii. Discussion on adding cemetery/crematorium, correctional facilities in list of prohibited uses
iv. Discussion on prohibiting schools but we decided to reject the idea of including schools in prohibited list
v. Wireless communication towers? Mark Andreasen mentioned that towers could be a source of revenue for the city because they must rent property being used. But they are usually not installed within city limits
1. Decided to put it as conditional use. Board also recognized that height limits would prohibit the installation within city limits.
b. Set backs
i. Gary Neff mentioned he liked 60ft from curb; 40ft is too little space for two layers of parking
1. Good example: South side of Helen’s Jewelry
ii. Requirement for parallel vs. straight parking? Kristin Smith mentioned this is usually review by the engineering-like department to review those types of requirements; such a department is not in Libby
iii. More good examples: 7 Seeds and Moody’s laundry
iv. Checked ordinance on sidewalks for background
v. Board likes these measurements:
1. 25ft as a set-back for property without parking
2. Single lane parking: needs 40ft setback
3. Double parking (2 rows of parking): 60ft
4. All measurements are minimums and do not include sidewalk in the front
vi. Jennifer Nelson mentioned primary reason we need setbacks are for safety and visibility, encroachment
vii. General discussion on the need of a city-wide transportation plan to improve/add sidewalks on Highway 2 and 37; need involvement of Montana Department of Transportation (MDT)
c. Bulk
i. General/Informal meaning: How big we want the building’s foot print to be within HCD?
ii. Ace Mall area: bigger than Rosauers: do we want something bigger than that?
iii. Kristin Smith will find the footprint size of Ace Mall structure to confirm
iv. General discussion on the structure and shapes of the building; perhaps break-up long structure of the wall; include alcoves and atria
d. Building Height
i. The Board will stay with the already existing maximum of 45ft.
e. Landscaping
i. General discussion of making 10% of property for landscaping services
ii. For now, the landscaping requirements within the HCD zoning will be the same as requirements in DBD zoning
iii. Curbstops (put in parking section)
f. Loading and Unloading
i. Same requirements as in DBD; plenty of space behind buildings
(3) Next Meeting: March 26th, 2018
a. Kristin Smith will bring a draft of what we have for HCD zoning so far
(4) Jennifer motioned to accept minutes, Neff seconded