The Libby Police Department is located at 603 Mineral Avenue.

The Libby Police Department has the responsibility of preserving the peace, responding to law enforcement service requests and protecting life and property within the Libby City limits.  Police officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to respond to calls for service, prevention of crimes,  investigation of criminal activity, apprehension of suspects, and the investigation of traffic accidents.

To contact the Police:

If you have an emergency, call 911.

If you have a criminal complaint that is not an emergency, you must contact the dispatcher for the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department at 293-4112.  They will take your complaint and all the pertinent information and contact the appropriate police deputy.

If you wish to contact the Libby Police Department with a non-criminal, non-emergency issue, you may call 293-3343 and leave a message if no one answers.  You may also send an email to

Police Commission

To learn more about the Police Commission, click on the link to view the Police Commission page.