APPROVEDThe City Council held meeting# 1496 on Monday, June 18, 2018, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske.
Present were Mrs. Williams, Ms. Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Beach, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dufficy and City
Clerk/Treasurer Audray Mccollum.
D.C. Orr offered the prayer.
Mr.Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve the minutes from# 1495 held on June 4, 2018.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Mr. Zimmerman noted a typing error.
Mrs. Williams noted on page 5 ,3rd paragraph down to add per Jim Rosenberg Rostorfer. Mrs. Williams
noted on page 5, rh paragraph down to add fee schedule.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR.
Mayor Teske invited the public to participate in Logger day weekend. Ms. Smith asked the public and
council to take an on line survey from Montana Department of Transportation for a bike and pedestrians
trails program. The outcome could impact our area biking and pedestrian trails.
Committee Reports:
Cemetery/Parks: None.
Fire: None.
Police: None.
Resolutions/Ordinances: Ms. Smith said t he committee met and is waiting on a recommendation from
Fish Wildlife and Parks before drafting the final chicken ordinance draft to present to council.
Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: Mr. Beach will have a meeting Tuesday, June 19th at noon, t he agenda items
will be upcoming projects. Beach stated the street crews have been removing old signage from Mineral
Ave and cleaning the downtown area.
Building: Mr. Beach will be calling a meeting; rental agreements will be on the agenda.
Water/Sewer: Mr. Zimmerman said the water project on 6th was complete and the sewer project on
Nevada should start next week.
Personnel: None.
Budget: None.
Finance: None.
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City Administrator: None.
KRDC: None.
City-County Board of Heath: None.
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:
D. C. Orr, 1117 Nevada, said the council needs to be reactive to the people you serve. Mr. Orr gave a
timeline to the council on the EPA cleanup and said time is running out, and property owners are now
being held financially responsible for their own cleanup. Orr said the council needs to request
information from the county attorney about the health board before the statute of limitation runs out,
or the council will be held liable.
New Business:
Gail Burger, Libby Business Association, road closure request. Saturday, August 25th 8 AM to midnight
on Mineral Avenue for crazy days.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to close Mineral Ave from 8am to 8pm on August 25.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Council discussion followed.
D.C. Orr said this was good planning.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.
Kootenai Cross County Ski Club Inc. lease agreement.
Mayor Teske went over the changes and said City Attorney Dean Chisholm had reviewed the new lease
Mr. Dufficy MADE A MOTION to accept the agreement as written.
Mr. Zimmerman SECOND.
Mayor Teske said there was no mention of structures in the old lease agreement, this was added to the
new lease agreement.
Ms. Smith said the public might not have public access to these grounds. Ms. Smith would like a clause
added in the lease that states community use.
Mr. Dufficy would like to see a copy of the NRA insurance policy attached to the lease agreement.
Mr. Dufficy TABLED THE MOTION to the next meeting.
Ben Scott,Kootenai Cross County Ski Club lnc,request permission to construct a building on city
property at the Flower Creek Biathlon course.
Ms. Smith Made a Motion to grant Kootenai County Ski Club permission to construct a building on city
property at the Flower Creek Biathlon course subject to final council approval of the Kootenai Cross
County Ski Club leases agreement; the club is not to begin building until the lease is signed.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Council discussion followed.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.
Approve new business licenses received to date:
• Evergreen Technologies.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to accept all new business licenses received to date.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
Unfinished Business:
1} Libby Web Site Re-Design
No new progress.
2} Council Rules and Procedures
No new progress.
General Comments from the Council:
Mayor Teske asked council, would they be opposed to standing microphones. Council was not opposed.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
The meeting ADJOURNED at 8:47-pm.
Mayor, Brent Teske
Attest; ________________ _
Aud ray J. McCollum City Clerk/Treasurer