Mayor Berget called the regular meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Crismore, Huntsberger, Leckrone, McElmurry and Roll, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede, and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present. Council member Bothman and City Attorney Scott Spencer were absent. Mr. Roll moved to accept the minutes as presented from the December 6, 2004 regular meeting.
Ms. Leckrone seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Crismore moved to accept the minutes as presented from the December 13, 2004 special meeting.
Mr. Roll seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Crismore was still unable to make contact with MontanaSkyNet regarding the WebCam. He assured the Council that if he cannot contact MontanaSkyNet, he would seek other resources.


Robin Swimley gave a brief presentation on the proposed flex plan for the employees of the City of Libby. As in the past, Mayor Berget and the Council stated that if it is beneficial to the employees and they are in favor of such a plan, then the proposal should move forward. The only expense to the City of Libby will be to administer the plan, as the enrollment cost will be waived.

The cleaning and maintenance contracts were opened for bid by the City of Libby. Five closed bids were received. Mayor Berget opened the bids and awarded the maintenance contract to the low bidder Gene Wise. The low bid on the cleaning contract was awarded to Mary Wise and Patty Thompson.

Welch Comer & Associates, Inc., engineers for the Libby Downtown Revitalization Strategic Plan submitted a request to obtain digital copies of a copyrighted downtown map of the City of Libby. In the past, it has been the decision of the Council not to allow copies of the map as it is copyrighted. Betty Jo Wood, representative from the Libby Revitalization Committee, explained the engineering firm had been contracted by the city to perform city business only, the map cannot be scanned for their use and they have assured the City that the digital reproductions will not be used for any business other than for the City of Libby.
Mr. Huntsberger moved to allow Welch Comer and Associates to use the diskettes for the copyrighted map strictly for the downtown strategic plan for the City of Libby.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Grant was forwarded to the Police Committee.

Mayor Berget read the VFW grant proposal. Mr. Huntsberger submitted a suggestion to the Council that involved a lease option verses the loan proposal. As the Council agreed, at the end of the 6.5 year loan term, other proposals could be considered for the long term.
Mr. Roll moved to accept the VFW loan request as outlined by City Attorney Scott Spencer.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

John Massey from Logger Days Committee came before the Council to request grant funding. The group would like to purchase additional equipment for the logger competition in hopes to become part of the national circuit. They currently have $3400 in their fund and if they can raise $6600 more, a grant for which they have applied will match 3-1 by adding an additional $30,000 for improvements. Mayor Berget stated there was no funding available from the original $8 million fund and the City has no allocation set aside for donations. Mayor Berget asked Mr. Massey to submit a formal proposal to be reviewed. He suggested they contact the County as they usually have funds set aside for parks and recreation. Mayor Berget also suggested they attend the Libby Parks District monthly meeting and request a grant.


Mayor Berget announced that the Local Government Committee required an appointed representative from the City Council. Mr. Roll accepted the 2-year position.

Three liquor license transfers of ownership were reviewed.
Mr. Huntsberger moved to accept the transfers as presented.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

The annual City Council Retreat was scheduled for Saturday, January 22, 2005 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Venture Inn.

PARKS  – Mr. Huntsberger said Riverfront Park was waiting for the clearance from the EPA. Fireman’s Park has been put on hold until springtime.

CITY COUNCIL LIAISON  – Rita Windom, Lincoln County representative, reported that J. Neils Park was being logged. The idea is to open it up for viewing from the highway to draw more participation from drive-bys on Highway 37. The excess lumber is being cut and split by the youth court participants and is being offered to seniors and handicaps free of charge for personal use.

FIRE  – Mr. Wood reported that December was an unusually quiet month with one call. He stated this is proof that fire prevention education is working.

BUILDING/INDUSTRIAL PARK  – Ms. Leckrone reported that bids were opened for the cleaning and maintenance contracts.

INSURANCE  – Robin Swimley presented the flex program at this meeting.


POLICE  – Chief Coker gave his report. The snow removal to this point was light and going smoothly. They will start enforcing the parking ordinance during snow removal.

RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE  – Mr. Crismore stated ordinance enforcement will be discussed during the retreat.

WATER  – None.

SEWER/LIGHTS  – Gary Huntsberger reminded the Council and public to report any street light malfunction problems to Clay Coker.

STREETS/ALLEYS  – Mr. Roll reported the budgeted monies were good.

SIDEWALKS/CURBS  – Mayor Berget reported that Achievements had presented a proposal for sidewalk handicap access around their facility.




RC & D  – None.

KRDC  – None.

LADC  – None.

CAG  – None.

TAG  – None.




Mr. Roll moved to approve payment of the claims as per the claims approval list.

Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.

Motion passed.


Mr. Rossiter reported that the scoreboard at the middle school was not working properly.

Mr. Rossiter questioned the area involved in the downtown strategic plan.

Mr. Rossiter questioned what constituted the right of a person being able or not able to walk down the middle of the street.

Mr. Rossiter reported a depression in the middle of 4th and Main Streets.

Mr. Orr stated that he had contacted OSHA regarding the violation issued to Mayor Berget. He wanted to assure the Mayor that it was not he that reported the issue.

Mr. Nielson representative from the VFW thanked the Mayor and City Council for the actions at this meeting approving the loan to the VFW.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 pm.

Mayor, Anthony J. Berget

City Clerk, Chris A. Erickson