Mayor Berget called the public hearing to order at 6:02 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll was called.  Council members Huntsberger, Leckrone, McElmurry, Bothman and Roll, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede, and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present.  Council member Mr. Crismore was absent

Mayor Berget explained the proposed water and sewer rate increases. One public was present and her questions were answered.

The public hearing was adjourned at 6:04 p.m.

Mayor Berget called the regular meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll was called.  Council members Huntsberger, Leckrone, McElmurry and Roll, City Attorney Scott Spencer, Police Chief Clay Coker, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede, and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present.  Council member Mr. Crismore was absent.

Mayor Berget presented the oath of office to the new City Clerk Chris Erickson.

Ms. Leckrone moved to accept the minutes from the August 2, 2004 regular meeting, the August 9, 2004 special meeting and the August 12th special meeting.
Mr. Roll seconded.
Motion carried


No unfinished business was scheduled for this meeting.


Mayor Berget read Resolution #1627 – Resolution of the City of Libby approving a rate increase for the City’s water system.  Discussion followed.

Mr. Bothman moved to approve Resolution#1624.
Mr. McElmurry seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Berget read Resolution #1628 – Resolution of the City of Libby approving a rate increase for the City’s sewer system.  Discussion followed.

Mr. Roll moved to approve Resolution#1625.
Mr. Bothman seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Berget briefly explained a proposal from Montana Municipal Insurance Authority for a new employee health benefits program being offered to the City of Libby through the League of Cities and Towns. A 2.7% rate reduction will result for the City of Libby with no change to the current health benefits, limits or deductibles.

Mayor Berget read Resolution #1629 – Resolution of the City of Libby authorizing participation in the Montana Municipal Insurance Authority employee benefits program and authorizing the execution of the memorandum of intent to participate in such program and such other documents as may be necessary to effectuate participation in such employee benefits program.  Discussion followed.

Mr. Roll moved to approve Resolution#1626.
Mr. Bothman seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.

The Port Authority submitted a request for a $12,000 loan to be used to remodel an existing building to be used as a furniture manufacturing facility. This subject was tabled until September 27, 2004.

The biomass discussion was tabled until the next regular meeting in October, as Mr. Carter was not present.

A request from Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education Foundation, Inc. will be discussed at a special meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 15, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Mayor Berget reminded the Council of a joint meeting with LADC, KRDC, and LCPA scheduled for Monday, September 202004 at 6:00 p.m. at the Ponderosa Room at City Hall.

Mayor Berget informed the Council of a special meeting with Attorney General Mike McGrath on Thursday, September 23, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. in the Memorial Center in Libby regarding open meeting laws.

Mayor Berget shared the events of a very successful softball game against the City of Troy. The City of Libby came away victorious.

Mayor Berget reminded the Council members to submit their registration form for the Montana League of Cities Annual Conference scheduled for October 6-8, 2004.  The conference is in Kalispell this year and all are encouraged to attend.


PARKS  – Councilperson Huntsberger discussed the huge improvement that was made to Fireman’s Park. The County has excess chip seal that they have offered to the City, which will be applied to the new parking area at the Fireman’s Park. Landscaping will be done next spring to complete the project.

FIRE   – Councilperson Roll presented the fire report for the month.

BUILDING/INDUSTRIAL PARK  – The baseball game between the City of Libby and the City of Troy was discussed.

INSURANCE  – The new proposal from MMIA was briefly discussed.

PERSONNEL  – The new City Clerk was mentioned.

POLICE  – Police Chief Coker reported 230 calls. Chief Coker invited the Council to ride along with an officer to experience what the police department does on a shift. He reported they are down one officer but an eight-year veteran will join the force next week.

RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE  – Three resolutions were passed this meeting.

WATER  – Mr. Bothman talked about a piece of equipment at the water treatment plant that could possibly be sold. But as he stated, if it is encumbered the City cannot dispose of it.

SEWER/LIGHTS  – Mr. Huntsberger will talk with Police Chief Coker regarding the lights downtown. Two new poles will be ordered.

STREETS/ALLEYS  – Mr. Roll stated the old dumpsite was bladed in preparation for the demolition derby. There has been a lot of work completed at Fireman’s Park. The lines on the streets were hand painted, at no charge. The cost is usually about $5,100, which was quite a savings. Mr. Roll commented on the really great job they did.

SIDEWALKS/CURBS  – Mr. Bothman said there have been no new requests for funding for sidewalk repair. He again encouraged the public to bring forth their requests for assistance.

BUDGET/FINANCE  – Mr. Bothman, Mr. Roll and Ms. Leckrone will meet regarding finance issues.


UNION NEGOTIATIONS  – Mr. Huntsberger stated the negations between personnel and the union management groups went great.

RC & D  – Mr. Bothman will move forward with the plan and negotiate for grant writing to be included with the plan.

KRDC  – None.

LADC  – None.

CAG  – None.

TAG  – None.

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS  – Mr. Roll asked for direction for recommendations that are not contested.



Mayor Berget reminded Council that the League of Cities and Towns conference would be held in Kalispell on October 7, 8 & 9.  All members were encouraged to attend.

Ms. Leckrone moved to approve payment of the claims as per the claims approval list.
Mr. Bothman seconded.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spencer addressed the Council regarding the Libby Woodworks loan request and the situation with the certificates of deposit at Northwest Human Resources. He relayed several options the City could take although he could not advise them of what action would be the best for the City to consider. Ms. Leckrone, Mr. Bothman, Mr. McElmurry and Mayor Berget will schedule a meeting with the credit union and Northwest Human Resources to discuss the situation.


Jim Rostofer addressed the Council.

A special city council meeting will be held September 15, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education Foundation, Inc. loan request.

A special city council meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 27, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Port Authority loan request.

Next regular city council meeting will be held October 4, 2004 at 7 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Mayor, Anthony J. Berget

City Clerk, Chris A. Erickson

Note:  Resolutions No. 1624, 1625 and 1626 adopted this date are duplicate numbers. Resolutions No. 1627, 1628, and 1629 replaced them.



Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.  Council President Leckrone, Councilmember Bothman, Huntsberger, and McElmurry, City Attorney Scott Spencer and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present.

Councilmember Crismore and City Services Supervisor Dan Thede were absent.

Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education foundation is requesting a grant of $200,000 for construction of a ski lodge at Turner Mountain. The group would also like to transfer the existing loan into a grant thus freeing up additional borrowing power.

Bruce Zwang, spokesman for the group, explained that the group needs approximately $300,000 to complete their project at Turner Mountain. If the City would forgive the $100,000 existing loan, approximately $8,000 per year would be freed up and would allow the group to be able to increase their borrowing power to complete the project.

If the City decided to award the additional $200,000 through a loan instead of through a grant, KWSSE would have any future ability to borrow money encumbered by the loans.

Mayor Berget praised the group on their ability throughout the years to move forward in their progress with their financial credibility, business plans and all the volunteer assistance they have received to make this project such a continued success for the community.

Mayor Berget asked for a show of hands from the audience in support of this project.

This was an informational meeting only. Action will be taken at the next scheduled special City Council meeting on Monday, September 27, 2004.

Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.

Mayor Anthony J. Berget

City Clerk Chris Erickson



Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.  Council members Bothman, Crismore, Huntsberger, and McElmurry, City Attorney Scott Spencer, City Services Supervisor Dan Thede and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present.

Council President Leckrone was absent.

Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education Foundation is requesting an LADC grant of $200,000 for construction of a ski lodge at Turner Mountain transferring the existing loan into a grant.

Mayor Berget opened the meeting for discussion of the proposal. He had checked on the status of the existing CD and discovered that if the CD were paid off early by a loan, interest of about $12,000 would be lost to the City of Libby. A brief discussion ensued.

Mr. Huntsberger made a motion to grant $302,000 to the Kootenai Winter Sports Ski Education Foundation with the option of a five-year review of the status.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

The Lincoln County Port Authority is requesting an LADC loan for $12,000 to remodel an existing building. The loan will be for two years and is unsecured. Debi Davidson handed out a Preliminary Land Use Plan on the facility. She stated there are 3-4 potential tenants interested in renting the facility. The money is for material only.

Mr. Crismore made a motion to grant a loan of $12,000 to the Port Authority to be tied to the existing loan.
Mr. Huntsberger seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

Public comment was opened.

Tom Horlick, Chairman of the Aquatic Center, presented a request for a $20,000 loan from LADC. CTA Landworks Group has submitted a proposal for land planning and landscape architectural services for the proposed facility, and they need this money in order to get on the ballot for the Spring 2005 election. Mayor Berget stated Mr. Horlick needed to get a resolution from LADC before the Council can consider the proposal.

The new proposal from the Cabinet View Country Club will be on the agenda for the October 4, 2004 regular meeting.

Mr. Spencer reviewed the proposal from Libby Woodworks. As this proposal is two separate issues now, business plans from both individuals must be received.

A discussion, which will be open to the public, will follow the special meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

A discussion regarding Libby Woodworks followed the special meeting at 8:07 p.m., which was open to the public.

Ms. Leckrone, Mr. Bothman, Mr. McElmurry and Mayor Berget met with the Lincoln County Credit Union, Northwest Human Resources regarding the certificate of deposit on account at the credit union for Libby Woodworks aka Ora Miller.  As Mr. Spencer stated, Northwest Human Resources has never lived up to the LADC resolution, which was passed by motion, of collateralizing and servicing the loan for the City of Libby. Instead of making the loan to a business, Northwest Human Resources loaned the money to an individual namely Ora Miller. The funds have been misused, inventory has been sold and loan payments are not being met. Mr. Spencer’s suggested that the Council decide what the actual loss is and then decide what plan of action to take.

No decision was to be made at this meeting as it was for discussion and information only.

Discussion adjourned at 8:49 p.m.

Mayor Anthony J. Berget

City Clerk Chris Erickson