Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll was called.  Council members Baeth, Bauer, Leckrone, Porter, Sorensen and Thom, City Attorney Scott Spencer, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede, Police Chief Clay Coker and City Clerk Heidi Morris were present.

Mr. Bauer moved to accept the January 6th regular meeting minutes.

Mrs. Baeth seconded.

Motion carried.

Ordinance #1602 received its first reading.   –  Building Code Revision




Brent Teske, President of the Igniters Car Club, addressed the Council, Hot August Nights will be August 15, 16 and 17, 2003.  The club requested the closing of Mineral Avenue from Second Street to Eighth Street on Friday night, August 15, from 6 pm to midnight.  Their club will handle all the barricades.  On Saturday, August 16, the club requested permission to close Mineral Avenue from Second Street to Lincoln Boulevard and half the block on all side streets from 8 am to 3 pm.

Mr. Bauer moved to allow the Igniters Car Club to close Mineral Avenue August 15 and 16th, both Friday and Saturday.

Mrs. Porter seconded.

Motion carried.

Larry Stroklund asked about the VFW proposal.  Mr. Bauer moved to add the VFW proposal to the Council’s agenda.  Motion died for lack of a second.

Mr. Bauer made a motion to approve the transfer of ownership and location on the Torgy’s Casino liquor license.

Mr. Sorensen seconded.

Vote was as follows:      Baeth               No

                                    Bauer               Yes

                                    Leckrone         Yes

            Porter               No

Sorensen          Yes

Thom                Yes

Motion carried.

Judge applications will be reviewed by the Judicial Committee for recommendations to be presented at the next Council Meeting.

Mike Munro, LADC, presented the Rocky Mountain Ecosystem, Inc. proposal requesting LADC funding for up to $5,000, for fire fighting training for Lincoln County residents in need.

Mr. Bauer moved to accept the LADC recommendation.                                                                  Mrs. Porter seconded.                                                                                                                  Motion carried.

The LCEDC second year grant request for LADC funding was tabled.

The Libby revitalization was tabled.


Cemetery Chairperson Mrs. Thom reported that there were five funerals in January.  The gates to Fireman’s Park have been closed due to the soft road surface.   Mrs. Porter announced that a meeting concerning the skateboard park will be scheduled later this spring. The Beautification Committee will be meeting in March to discuss the wading pool.

Tom Wood, Fire Chief, reported fire calls total of 12 for the month of January including 5 in the City and 7 in the County.

Police Chief, Clay Coker, reported 176 calls for the month of January, 26 arrests, 51 citations.

Personnel Chairperson, Mrs. Thom, asked the Council to stay after the regular meeting

for a short meeting about personnel.

Resolution/Ordinance Chairperson, Mr. Bauer, will be working with the building inspector concerning the possibility of paving parking lots on new structures.

Water Chairperson, Mrs. Thom, reported that the crew had been busy with ice removal  at the lower dam.  In the Spring, Larry Walen, of the Montana Rural Water Systems, Inc. will be able for a meeting.  Mrs. Thom, Mayor Berget, Mr. Thede and John Knudson will be attending a Rural Water Conference in Great Falls on February 19-21, 2003.

Sewer/Lights, Chairperson, Mr. Bauer, reported that the lift station has been repaired.  Audience members were encouraged to report any street lights that are not working.

Streets/Alleys, Chairperson, Mr. Sorensen, reported that the crew has been patching and more patch material should be arriving soon.

Judicial, Chairperson, Mrs. Baeth, reported five applications for City Judge have been received.  Interviews will be set up.

The next union negotiation meeting will be February 26.

Mayor Berget reported that a neighborhood meeting is to be held for the residents of Johnson Acres on January 28, 2003.  In March, after the State Legislate HB voting, we will have a better idea about the funding for this project

Mayor Berget asked Mr. Sorensen to work with the Board of Adjustments and possibly the Chamber to make recommendations for new building project external presentation.

It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims as per the claims approval list.


Next regular city council meeting will be held March 3, 2003 at 7 p.m.

Libby Boy Scouts retired the flag.

Meeting adjourned at   8:00 p.m.

Mayor, Anthony J. Berget

City Clerk, Heidi Morris