Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Baeth, Bauer, Porter, and Thom, Police Chief Clay Coker, City Attorney Scott Spencer, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede and Deputy City Clerk Beth Burrell were present.
Mrs. Thom moved to accept the minutes as corrected.
Mrs. Porter seconded.
Motion carried.
Mayor Berget read the proclamation regarding September 11, 2001. Mr. Larry Stroklund explained the remembrance ceremonies that would be held on September 11 of this year.
Mr. Jim Rostorfer asked some question concerning Ordinance 1594.
Mr. Bauer made a motion to accept Ordinance 1594.
Mrs. Porter seconded.
Motion passed.
Mrs. Porter reported that the sidewalk project was well under way.
Mrs. Thom explained that she was awaiting a call from Bob Worthington concerning the rate of increase for the City Health Insurance.
The City received a letter of resignation from Ralph Heinert, resigning from the LADC Board.
The funding for the resource officer for the schools has been found. The money to be allocated from LADC will be removed from the “to be disbursed” list.
Mr. Bauer made a motion to okay a liquor license transfer for Mac’s Market.
Mrs. Porter seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Mrs. Thom reviewed the new rules for Firemen’s Park campground.
Rule # 4 will be amended to ask tickets be left with the camp host instead of on their own table.
Rule # 5 will be added to stating that no parties or disorderly conduct will be allowed.
Rule # 6 will be state the charges for each spot, $2 or $5 depending on the spot.
Rule # 7 will ask that campers check with the camp host before starting a fire.
The Cemetery/ Parks committee will handle the changes in the above rule.
Mrs. Porter made a motion to freeze LADC funds until policies could be gone over. Mrs. Thom seconded the motion. Cheryl Fox, Linda Gerard, Larry Strokland, Jim Rostorfer, Bill Miller and Mike Munro spoke against Mrs. Porter’s proposal.
Mrs. Porter rescinded the motion.
Larry Stroklund gave a presentation from the VFW requesting a grant or loan to help the VFW pay for their new building. Hal, Robert Bryant, Niles Nelson, Jim Racicot, Stan Evans, Linda Gerard, and Clay Coker spoke in support of the VFW. The Mayor referred the VFW back to LADC as all requests for funds must come through the LADC.
Mr. D.C. Orr asked the council to drop the charges from a water bill back billed to him at his place of business. The council determined that he did indeed owe the bill. He had a frost-free hydrant accessible for one year and was billed for six months usage.
Letters of intent for the position of City Councilor were presented. Applicants were Ron Carter, Etta Doubek, Joe Johnston, Tom Jenkins & Charlene Leckrone. Mayor Berget recommended Tom Jenkins.
Mrs. Thom moved the position be given to Charlene Leckrone.
Mrs. Baeth seconded.
The motion carried.
George Bauer, chairperson for Resolution/Ordinance and Sewer/Light reported that the gun show and the Hot August Nights car show were both a success. Cleaning of homes and work on the High School track field are in progress.
Jane Thom, Cemetery-Parks reported that Firemen’s Park had 65 visitors. There were five funerals last month.
Mr. Thede reported that George Clark is donating his time and the materials to build a shelter at the Legion Ball Park.
Joyce Baeth, City/County liaison and Building/Industrial Park, commented on the animal shelter. It is now open with new employees and has been cleaned up. The roof at City Hall has been calked and cleaned and the annual painting project is completed.
Jane Thom, Insurance is waiting to hear from Bob Worthington on the percentage of insurance a nontypical or part time employee should receive.
Clay Coker, Chief of Police reported that Officer Harth has gone to the academy. 237 calls had been answered, two citations were issued for junk and trash, two were warned and two parties had started to clean up their area.
Jane Thom, Water, stated that five leaks had been fixed and the street crew had done an excellent job of patching the streets.
Judy Porter, Community Development, notified the council that the eagle on the South side of town had been sold and the port authority has been approved.
Mr. Jim Racicot commented on the need to annex the Cabinet Heights area and to get something going that will help to build Libby.
Mayor Berget stated that union negotiations were ongoing.
Mr. Bauer made a motion to pay the claims.
Mrs. Baeth seconded
Motion passed.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm
Mayor Anthony J Berget
Deputy City Clerk Beth A Burrell
Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Roll was called. Councilmembers Baeth, Bauer, Porter, and Sorensen, City Attorney Scott Spencer and City Clerk Heidi Morris were present.
Mayor Berget read the oath of office to Charlene Leckrone, new Councilperson.
Cheryl Fox, LCEDC, introduced Lyndon Bradshaw to the Council. Mr. Bradshaw gave a presentation for Libby Woodworks requesting LADC monies for a 100 % loan guarantee totaling $100,000, based on equipment collateral to be managed by Northwest Business Center. The LADC has approved the business loan for Libby Woodworks and recommended that the Council approve the funding. The money would be held at Lincoln Credit Union in two CDs of $50,000 each.
Mrs. Porter moved to accept the LADC recommendation with the interest return details to be worked out with Cheryl Fox.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Councilperson Porter commented on the working meeting with the Council and the LADC. She expressed that she was glad everyone seems to be working well together.
The sidewalk project is underway with two short sections.
Jim Rostopher asked about the Bassett study.
Mayor Berget explained the projects underway, including the river park road, the water line going under the railroad tracks, and the new boat ramp with the help of a grant. The County has passed the Port Authority. The County and City will be working together.
The Council needs to pick a person to serve on the Port Authority.
Gentleman from the audience asked about adding a small section by the VFW side to the sidewalk project.
Cheryl Fox, LCEDC, asked about the possibility of an industrial park, and the photos that could appear on their website.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Mayor, Anthony J. Berget
City Clerk, Heidi Morris