APPROVEDThe City Council held meeting # 1497 on Monday, July 2, 2018, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske.
Present were Mrs. Williams, Ms. Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Beach, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dufficy, City Clerk/Treasurer Audray McCollum, Utility Clerk Jody Martin, City Administrator Jim Hammons and City Attorney Dean Chisholm.
Bill Sontag offered the prayer.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve the minutes from # 1496 held on June 18, 2018.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Mrs. Williams noted on page 5 paragraph 3 Jim RostorferRosenberg should be corrected to Jim Rosenberg Rostorfer.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.
Mayor Teske announced the city received $232,923.20 from the International Paper Settlement. Ms. Smith invited the public to attend an open house on July 23rd at 6:00 pm in the Ponderosa Room at City Hall to reveal the new downtown zoning districts.
Committee Reports:
Cemetery/Parks: Mrs. Williams said the committee met and updated the agreement for Fireman’s Park and Fred Brown Pavilion. The bathroom for Fireman’s Park will be here August 20th, and the city crew will begin prep work. The sod has been laid for a new park by the police station. A final decision has not been made for the dedication of the park.
Fire: Mr. Zimmerman said there were 7 calls for June, 2 rural and 5 in the city
Police: Chief Kessel reported there were 303 calls for service in June resulting in 21 arrests,41 citations, 24 animal citations,3 DUI, and 1 search for drugs. Officer Dewitt is doing well and working on his own as of June 1st. Several businesses in town have requested Chief Kessel to put together an active shooter program.
Resolutions/Ordinances: On the agenda
Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: Mr. Beach said the committee met and worked on potential projects.
Building: Mr. Beach said the Ponderosa room carpets are being cleaned this weekend.
Water/Sewer: Mr. Zimmerman said the sewer project on 6th and Nevada is under construction.
Budget: Mrs. Williams said the committee met on the 25th and recommended the cop car loan go through Glacier bank, the committee also discussed an increase in the animal control contract and doing a prevailing health care levy. The next meeting will be July 10th at noon.
Finance: None.
City Administrator: Report in the packet. Jim Hammons reported the price of oil was down; he ordered extra for paving which will begin July 20th. The Urdahls are retiring as camp hosts if anyone was interested, please let Mr. Hammons know.
KRDC: None, next meeting July 19th
City-County Board of Heath: None.
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:
Jennifer Nelson, County Sanitation, said the city junk vehicle ordinance8.08010 subsection B definition of a junk vehicle did not correlate with the state ordinance law of 1973 she asked the ordinance committee to investigate bring the city ordinance in line with Montana State Law.
New Business:
Jennifer Nelson, Riverfront Blue Board Member, Noise Variance Friday, August 10th Until 12.:30 And Saturday, August 11 Until 12:30.
Jennifer Nelson asked council for a noise variance.
Brian Zimmerman MADE A MOTION for noise variance for Riverfront Blues Festival Saturday, August 11th Until 1:00am and Sunday, August 12th until 1:00am.
Mrs. Williams SECOND
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.
Approve Animal Control Agreement For (7-01-2018) -(6-30-2019) For $12,000.
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to accept the Animal Control Agreement for $12,000 between the City of Libby and Lincoln County.
Mr. Dufficy SECOND
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.
Approve Resolution 1921-A grant through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the sum not to exceed $50,000.00 (fifty) used towards the purchase of 4(four) new police cruisers.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to approve Resolution 1921 a grant through the United States Department of Agriculture in the sum of $50,0000 used towards the purchase of four new police cruisers.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.
Introduction to propose an the Urban Chicken Ordinance.
Ms. Smith gave council an introduction background on the chicken ordinance. The committee looked at ordinances from across the state and gathered public comments.
Mrs. Williams said she did an excellent job; Mayor Teske appreciated the work as well.
Public Comment.
Jennifer Nelson, 1026 Washington, asked how many chickens per coop. Ms. Smith answered 5 chickens per square footage. Mr. Zimmerman answered a maximum of five chickens may be permitted per 10 square feet.
The chicken ordinance will be on the next agenda for the first reading.
Introduction to propose a Public Information Policy.
Ms. Smith introduced the council to the public information policy that was tailored after Lincoln county’s information policy that was recently done.
The first reading of the public information ordinance policy will be on the next agenda for the first reading.
Approve new business licenses received to date:
• K & E Catering
• Safe and Secure Storage
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to accept all new business licenses received to date.
Mrs. Williams SECOND.
Mr. Zimmerman ABSTAINED.
Williams, Smith, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
Approved Renewal Licenses Received to Date:
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to approve all renewal business licenses received to date.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
Approve claims and payroll for June 2018:
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve claims and payroll for June 2018.
Mrs. Williams SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
Unfinished Business:
1) Approve the Kootenai Cross Country Ski Club Inc. Lease Agreement.
Ms. Smith Made a Motion to approve enter into a lease agreement with Kootenai cross country lease agreement, and its final version is substantial compliance as adopted with what is being presented tonight.
Mr. Zimmerman Second
Council discussion followed.
Mr. Dufficy asked if the club had their insurance policy.
Mr. Scott presented the insurance policy to the city attorney for review.
Mrs. Williams asked if the public would be allowed to use the property without paying a fee for skiing activities Mrs. Rice said the public would have to pay a fee.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor voted FOR
2) Libby Web Site Re-Design
3) Council Rules and Procedure
General Comments from the Council:
Mrs. Williams asked the council about increasing the business license fee. Mrs. Williams asked the council if it was necessary for the council to approve renewal business licenses.
Mrs. Williams asked for this to be moved to the ordinance committee for review.
Council discussion followed.
Ms. Smith asked if the EPA could come to council to answer questions.
Council discussion followed.
Mr. Dufficy MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
Mrs. Williams SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
The meeting ADJOURNED at 8:06 pm.
______________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor, Brent Teske Jody Martin Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer