Budget Committee Agenda

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Budget Committee Meeting

Thursday, June 4, 2020 @ 12:00 PM

City of Libby Council Chambers


  1. Review of department requests: sewer/water/police/streets-parks/fire/other
  2. Discussion: finding funds for compliance officer/jet truck(sewer collection)
  3. Discussion: facilities improvements
  4. 2021 budget disbursement/revenue items, as changes available
  5. Hear from the public


To access this meeting electronically with ZOOM,

Dial: 253-215-8782

Ordinance Committee Agenda

Download a copy of the Agenda.

Ordinance Committee Agenda

Thursday, May 21, 2020 @ 12:00-1:00pm

City Hall, Council Chambers


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approve minutes from March 10, 2020 meeting.
  3. Recommendation for council regarding ordinance to allow golf cart use on City streets
  4. Review of proposed changes to cemetery ordinance
  5. Other comments
  6. Public Comment
  7. Adjourn


Other Ordinances

Streets Committee

City of Libby
Streets Committee Meeting

12:05 pm March 12th, 2020

City of Libby Council Chambers


1. Discuss Handicap parking on Mineral Ave.

2. Discuss Traffic and Speed on Mineral Ave.

3. Discuss Stop Sign at Cabinet Heights Rd. and Fairway Drive (Golf Course).

Posted 3/9/2020

Ordinance Committee

Ordinance Committee Agenda
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 @ 12:05-1:00pm
City Hall, Council Chambers

1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Review ordinance to repeal Chapter 7.44
3. Review Changes to Chapter 5.08 and 5.12 (Beer/Wine/Liquor business
License application procedure.
4. Procedure updates to Chicken ordinance (Chief Kessel)
5. Ordinance to allow golf cart use on City streets
5. Discussion of the

Wildlife Committee

City of Libby
Wildlife Management Plan Committee Meeting

6:30 pm February 5th, 2020

City of Libby Council Chambers


1. Discuss Wildlife Management Plan for the City of Libby.

Ordinance Committee Agenda

Ordinance Committee Agenda
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 @ 6:15-7:00pm
City Hall, Council Chambers

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Review proposed changes to Building Codes Ordinance (14.02.010 – Adoption of codes) and finalize recommendation.

3. Continue discussion of Business Licenses section changes

4. Assign new chair

5. Public Comment

6. Adjourn

Other Ordinances in Review
• Cemetery Ordinance
• Shade

Ordinance Meeting

City of Libby
LIBBY, MT. 59923 | Phone 406-293-2731| Fax 406-293-4090 | Website: w


Ordinance Committee Agenda Wednesday, January 22, 2020 @ 12:15-1:00pm
City Hall, Council Chambers

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Review Building Codes Ordinance (14.02.010 – Adoption of codes) and recommend changes based on
requirements from the State.