Ordinance Committee Agenda 2/1/2018 @ 2:00 pm

Ordinance Committee Agenda

Thursday, February 1, 2018 @ 2:00pm

City Hall, Council Chambers




  1. Call Meeting to Order


  1. Continue Review of Cemetery Ordinance and propose changes


  1. Review Tree Board recommended changes to Tree Ordinance


  1. Public Comment


  1. Adjourn

Water/Sewer Committee Meeting 1/30/18 @ 12 pm

Water and Sewer Committee Meeting

12 pm Tuesday January 30, 2018

City of Libby Council Chambers


  1. IP settlement, direction for use of those monies. Summer usage for sprinkling and sewer rates 3 months vs. 12 months.














Posted 1/23/18



Website Design Committee 1/29/18 @ 12:00 pm

Website Design Committee

Monday, January 29 2018 @ 12:00 pm

Council Chambers, City Hall


  1. Plan how to proceed for the update of the City of Libby’s current website, including, but not limited to reviewing current website, reviewing websites from other cities, and creating a plan for moving forward.
  2. Hear from the public








Website Design Committee January 22 @ 1:30 pm

Website Design Committee

Monday, January 22 @ 1:30 pm

Council Chambers, City Hall


  1. Plan how to proceed for the update of the City of Libby’s current website, including, but not limited to reviewing current website, reviewing websites from other cities, and creating a plan for moving forward.
  2. Hear from the public









Website Design Committee 1/16/18 @ 12

Website Design Committee

Tuesday, January 16th 12 pm noon

Council Chambers, City Hall


  1. Plan how to proceed for the update of the City of Libby’s current website, including, but not limited to reviewing current website, reviewing websites from other cities, and creating a plan for moving forward.
  2. Hear from the public








Ordinance Committee 1/9/18 2 PM

Ordinance Committee Agenda

Tuesday, January 9, 2017 @ 2:00pm

City Hall, Council Chambers




  1. Call Meeting to Order


  1. Continue Review of Cemetery Ordinance and propose changes


  1. Introduction: Tree Board recommended changes to Tree Ordinance


  1. Public Comment


  1. Adjourn