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The Libby City Council is holding this Public Hearing to solicit public comments on replacing three sewer mains on California between 9th and 10th Street, from Balsam Street south between Custer Avenue and Gallatin Street, and on Flower Street west of Nevada Avenue, and a new control system for the wastewater treatment plant.
Download a copy of the Agenda.
Update on employee issues at Libby Police Department – Executive Session
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1. Approve appointment of John BeBee to Police Commission.
2. Approve appointment of Karen Dinkins to Police Commission.
3. Approve appointment of Steven Boyer to Police Commission.
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1. Review proposed changes Sight Triangle ordinances and updated definition and
make a recommendation.
2. Review proposed definition of “Yard Sale” and make a recommendation.
Download a copy of the Agenda.
Approve Memorandum of Agreement with Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and Lincoln County for Administrative Services.
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To Approve Memorandum of Agreement with Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office and Lincoln County for Law Enforcement Services.
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To Approve Claim #3888 for $11,784.88 to Lincoln County Sheriffs Office .