Council Meeting #1638

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1. Approve Libby Area Business Association’s Halloween Road Closure on Mineral Ave from Dome
Theater to the Brewery, 3:30 – 6pm for Trick or Treat and use of City barricades.
2. Approve Ordinance #2010, Amendment of the Design and Construction Standards.
3. Approve Resolution #2022, Declaring Certain City of Libby Property as Surplus,

City Council Meeting #1635

Download a copy of the Agenda.

1. Approve Resolution #2019, Setting Tax Levy for Year 2024.
2. Approve Resolution #2018, Fixing the Annual Appropriations for the City of Libby for
2023-2024 Budget.
3. Approve Resolution #2020, Setting Salaries and Wages of Elected Officers, Appointed
Officers, and City Employees.
4. Paint it Pink Fun Run intersection closure request.

City Council Agenda #1634

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1. Approve resolution #2009 water rules update.
2. Approve Resolution 2016, Adopting a Fee Schedule for Floodplain Application Review in accordance with Ordinance 2003 City of Libby Floodplain Hazard Management Regulations.
3. Approve awarding winning bid for Cabinet Heights water project.
4. Update on Request for Proposals/spoils pile.
5. Letter of Engagement with

City Council Agenda #1633

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1. Approve Memorandum of Agreement with Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office for fiscal 2024.
2. Mike Fraser RFP – Request for Proposal (DRAFT).
1. Approve Riverfront Blues Festival noise variance request for August 12th and 13th.
2. Approve Chainsaw Carving street closure.
3. Approve Resolution 2016, Adopting a Fee Schedule for Floodplain Application Review