City Council Meeting #1640

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1. Christ Lutheran Church’s Community Forum on housing concerns.
2. Approve Resolution #2024 updating cemetery fees.
3. Approve Resolution # 2025 authorizing sale of certain property in possession of local law enforcement.
4. Approve Equal Employment Opportunity Police.
5. Discussion on names for Mineral Avenue Pocket Park.
6. Review 1st quarter budget.

In Compliance With MCA 76-2-307 a Joint Public Hearing of City Council and Planning Board.

IN COMPLIANCE WITH MCA 76-2-307 a JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING BOARD was held on July 8, 2019 in Council chambers at City Hall @ 6:15 pm.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Council President Peggy Williams.
Present were Mrs. Williams, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Beach, Ms. Smith, Mr.

City Planning Board

City Planning Board Meeting Minutes
March 11th, 2019
Meeting started: 6:03pm
Board Members: Kristin Smith, Mark Andreasen, Virginia Kocieda, Bobbi McCanse, Jennifer Nelson, Christian Montgomery
Public: see attached
Review & Approve Previous Meeting Minutes:
Jennifer Nelson motioned to approve the minutes with edits; Christian Montgomery seconded the motion, all approved.
Meeting Minutes:
(1) Review of updated Downtown Business District

Planning Board

City Planning Board Meeting Minutes
February 11th, 2019
Meeting started: 6pm
Board Members: Kristin Smith, Gary Neff, Virginia Kocieda, Bobbi McCanse, Jennifer Nelson
Public: see attached
Planning Board Committee Members Elected
Gary Neff nominated Kristin Smith as Chair of the Committee, Virginia Kocieda seconded the motion, all approved
Gary Neff nominated Mark Andreasen as Vice Chair of the Committee,

Planning Board

City Planning Board Meeting Minutes
January 14th, 2019
Meeting started: 6pm
Board Members: Mark Andreasen, Kristin Smith, Gary Neff, Virginia Kocieda, Bobbi McCanse, Christian Montgomery
Public: see attached
Review & Approve Previous Meeting Minutes:
Gary Neff motioned to approve the minutes. Bobbi McCanse 2nd the motion, all approved.
Meeting Minutes:
(1) Ordinance Committee sent back comments from their review

Planning Board

City Planning Board Meeting Minutes
December 10th, 2018
Meeting started: 6pm
Board Members: Mark Andreasen, Kristen Smith, Gary Neff, Jennifer Nelson, Virginia Kocieda, Bobbi McCanse, Christian Montgomery
Public: see attached sheet
Review & Approve Previous Meeting Minutes:
Gary Neff motioned to approve the minutes. Bobbi McCanse 2nd the motion, all approved.
Meeting Minutes:
(1) Kristin Smith introduced the newest