Regular Council Meeting #1660

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1. Approve Resolution 2037 fixing annual appropriations for the City of Libby for 2024-2025 budgets.
2. Approve Resolution 2038 setting tax levy for the year 2025 upon all real property in the city of Libby for General and Special Purposes.
3. Approve Resolution 2039 setting the salaries and wages of elected officers, appointed

Regular Council Meeting #1658

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1. Approve Rotary to take over Dept. of Labor Banner Project.
2. Approve Street Closure for Chainsaw Carving, September 4th – 9th.
3. Approve Street Closure for Paint it Pink, September 28th.
4. Approve Preliminary budget (Public Hearing/final budget approval August 19 meeting)
5. Approve all claims received to date.
6. Approve all

Regular Council Meeting #1657

Download a copy of the [152].

1. Approve Riverfront Blues Festival noise variance request for August 9th and 10th.
2. Approve Montana Emergency Tourism Assistance Program (METAP) grant for patrol vehicle.
3. Approve Andy Evanson contract for city engineer.
4. Decision to reopen discussion regarding Flower Creek spoils pile.
5. Approve making comment to Natural Resource Damage Program regarding

Regular Council Meeting #1656

Download a copy of the [152].

1. Approve street closure for Patriot Prom/Red, White, & Brews between 4th and 5th Street on Mineral Ave., July 7th, 5:30pm – 9pm.
2. Approve extension of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
3. Approve propane bid from City Service Valcon/ materials and paving bid from TCI.
4. Approve all