Council Meeting #1665

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1. Heritage Museum update on MT. State Tourism Grant.
2. Approve Zoning Districts: Residential A, A2, B, and Residential Business, 1st reading.
3. Approve LOR offer to grant fund crosswalk flags for Mineral Avenue.
4. Approve reducing Mineral Avenue speed limit from 25mph to 20mph from 8th Street to 1st Street.
5. Appoint

Council Meeting #1663

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Approve Resolution #2042 intent to annex.
2. Analysis of Brownsfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) document for the Historic Hotel Libby. Colleen Owen, Brownsfield Coordinator, Montana Department of Environmental Quality (information).
3. Approve $25,559.00 LOR Grant Purchase to purchase a storage shed and equipment for use at the Libby Gun Range to both expand law

Regular Council Meeting #1660

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1. Approve Resolution 2037 fixing annual appropriations for the City of Libby for 2024-2025 budgets.
2. Approve Resolution 2038 setting tax levy for the year 2025 upon all real property in the city of Libby for General and Special Purposes.
3. Approve Resolution 2039 setting the salaries and wages of elected officers, appointed