City Planning Board Meeting Minutes

March 11th, 2019

Meeting started: 6:03pm


Board Members: Kristin Smith, Mark Andreasen, Virginia Kocieda, Bobbi McCanse, Jennifer Nelson, Christian Montgomery

Public: see attached

Review & Approve Previous Meeting Minutes:

Jennifer Nelson motioned to approve the minutes with edits; Christian Montgomery seconded the motion, all approved.

Meeting Minutes:

  • Review of updated Downtown Business District (DBD)
    1. Kristin Smith went through all the changes made to the DBD
    2. Mark Andreasen questioned the formatting of the grandfather clause numbering
    3. Christian Montgomery added some concerns/additions:
      1. Dance clubs: are they included in Permitted Uses (E); add language “including but not limited to”
      2. Permitted Uses (M): add “as permitted by 17.24.040 (E)”
  • 17.24.050 Height: Open the height range; Jennifer Nelson & Kristin Smith talked about historical conversation about limiting the height; Zimmerman mentioned at a Council meeting that the height is set for firetrucks
    1. Mark Andreasen added that people might want to exploit the view
    2. Jennifer Nelson responded that larger height needs can be done in the Highway District but not within the Downtown District
  1. 17.24.090 (C): Rollup door issue, brought up Camp Creek Roaster Coffee shop on Mineral Avenue: “unless they are used as a customer access seasonally or daily” add that language for garage door “style”
  2. 17.24.100 (B): see 50% instead of 30%; allowing more freedom for decorative expression
    1. Jennifer Nelson & Bobbi McCanse added that maybe people should get a variance instead of changing the %
    2. Kristin Smith added perhaps people should submit design reviews
    3. Limitation for the Board: Can’t think of every possibility & cover every possibility that may occur in the future
    4. Agreed to add language: variations or exceptions can be submitted and subject to Design Review by the Board
  3. 17.24.100(C)(1): change color to paint/pigments
    1. Strike metallic and include “all finishes must be matte or non-reflective”
  • 17.04 Definitions: underline word “trailer”
  • Reviewing Highway Commercial District (HCH):
    1. One comment received from the Public when HCH was released: health facilities should exclude outpatient clinics; change (J) under Prohibited Uses to “inpatient or emergency facilities”
    2. Adam Montgomery: What is bulk fuel storage? Same as electric fuel/plug-ins/charging stations?
      1. Didn’t come up during Boards discussions
      2. Tabling the discussion
    3. Reviewing boundaries HCH
      1. Kristin Smith reviewed the maps showing proposed zoning district boundaries for the HCH
      2. Jennifer Nelson asked for a modification in the boundary
        1. Start Downtown at Lincoln Blvd to Depot because of older, historic homes that are on Mineral Ave. and California Ave. *References made to City Planning Board Minutes from 04-23-2018
          1. Why? Offset requirement – some of the homes would have to be used as business; buildings/homes would be forced to have same offsets (i.e., no front yards)
        2. Christian Montgomery: add a clause about accidents there’s an exception
        3. There are 7 houses (older) in the beginning of the DBD on Mineral Avenue
        4. Protect options for Memorial Center/School to be used for non-commercial uses

Public Comment:


Next meeting scheduled: April 8th @6pm

Virginia Kocieda motioned to end the meeting; Jennifer Nelson seconded the motion, all approved.

Meeting ended: 7:41pm