Notice of a Public Meeting
Updating PER for sewer
Monday July 1, 2019 @ 6:00 PM
Council Chambers-City Hall

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske. Present were Mrs. Williams, Mr. Beach, Mr. Zimmerman, Ms. Smith, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dufficy, City Clerk/Treasurer Audray McCollum and City Administrator Jim Hammons. City Attorney Dean Chisholm was absent.

Update on the preliminary engineering reports:
Doug Peppmeier, TD&H Engineering, presented council and the public with a preliminary engineering report outlining wastewater system deficiencies and project priorities. Doug walked through the timeline and how the grant and loan programs worked. Doug said the goal was to identify the city’s primary issues.
Doug said the total cost of the project’s would be $792,000.00.
Mike Frasier, City of Libby Engineer, said he has made the Water Pollution Division at the State of Montana aware of the magnitude of the cities needs. The goal is to hit the funding cycle every two years.
Public Comment:
Meeting was ADJOURNED at 6:25 pm.

______________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor, Brent Teske Audray J. McCollum City Clerk-Treasurer