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1. Approve Resolution #2032 to increase utility rates and charges for the users of the municipal utility system.
2. Approve Resolution # 2031 authorization for Mayor to sign MCEP grant for 1st & MT Lift Station Capital Improvement Project.
3. Approve $16,237 LOR Foundation grant for ADA accessible entrance to City Hall.
4. Approve Resolution #2028, adopting updated editions of the building codes as amended per ARM 24.301.202(1) referenced by Chapter 14.04, building codes, of the Libby Municipal code.
5. Approve Ordinance #2011, adding a new chapter to Title 10 – Vehicles and Traffic – Entitled Recreational Vehicles and removing Chapter 28 (Trailer and Trailer Parks) from Title 14 (building and construction), 1st reading.
6. Appoint Wade Svendsby to Police Commission for 3-year term ending May 1, 2027.
7. Approve all claims received to date.
8. Approve all business license applications received to date.