City of LibbyCity Council Meeting Agenda
December 3, 2001
Chambers City  Hall

  1. Call To Order
    Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call/Welcome

  2. Approval of Council Meeting – previous minutes

  3. Oath of Office – Lana Stewart – Clerk/Treasurer

  4. Unfinished Business
    a.  Lease – Lincoln County Search & Rescue
    b.  LADC – 2001-2002 Budget

  5. New Business
    a.  Approval – 2002 Liquor License
    b.  Silver Bullet Superfund Listing

  6. Council Action/Discussion
    a.  Council Committee Reports
    b.  Okay to pay claims

  7. Hear The Public

  8. Adjournment


Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.  Roll was called.  Council members Bauer, Baeth, Porter, Sorensen, Stephens and Thom and City Clerk, Lana Stewart and Supervisor Dan Thede were present.

Mayor Berget read the oath of office to City Clerk, Lana Stewart.

Mr. Stephens moved to accept the November regular meeting minutes.

Mr. Bauer seconded.

Motion carried.

There was discussion between James Rostopher and the City Council regarding minutes taken at previous meetings.


Mr. Sorensen made a motion to approve 10 year lease to Search and Rescue at a $1.00 per year.

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

Mr. Bauer made a motion to adopt L.A.D.C. 2001-2002 budget.

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

L.A.D.C. changed their motion regarding the Community Health Center monies to a grant instead of a loan.  City Council took a consensus and was in agreement with L.A.D.C. A check was issued on November 13, 2001 in the amount of $393,000.00 to the Community Health Center.

Openings for L.A.D.C. Board Members will be included in the January agenda.


Mr. Bauer made a motion to approve the 2002 liquor licenses if we receive payment by December 31, 2001.

Mrs. Porter seconded.

Motion carried.

City Council discussed Silver Bullet issues.

City Council asked Clinton Maynard to explain what Silver Bullet meant.

D.C.Orr had questions pertaining to Silver Bullet.

Openings for two Board of Adjustment positions will be available and will be included on the January agenda.

James Rostopher had questions pertaining to voting on the positions for the Board of Adjustments.


Mrs. Thom, Parks/Cemetery Committee, reported that city parks had been closed.  There had been 8 funerals in the month of November.

Mrs. Baeth, City/County Liaison, reported that 21 animals had been euthanized and 2 adopted.

Mr. Sorensen, Fire Committee, reported on fire calls answered for the month of October and November.

Mr. Stephens, Personnel Committee, reported union negotiations would be held on December 5, 2001 and December 10, 2001.

Clayton Coker, Police Chief, updated the council on police calls answered for the month of November.

Mr. Bauer, Sewer/Lights Committee, reported that everything was going well at the Sewer Treatment Plant.

Mr. Bauer, Streets/Alleys Committee, reported that both sweepers had been used and that the crews had been out plowing.

Mrs. Porter, Community Development Committee, reported that the Community Health Center had received their $393,000.00 and would be opening in December.

Mr. Sorensen, Building/Industrial Parks Committee, reported that the Search and Rescue lease had been approved and that an individual was interested in purchasing the fitness center.

Mrs. Porter made public note that Light up Libby did a great job on the parade.

Mayor Beget discussed giving $200.00 towards Light up Libby for the parade.  City Council approved.

Mrs. Porter, Judicial Committee, reported that there would be a closed door meeting later this evening to update the City Council on litigation issues.

Mayor Beget discussed having a retreat sometime in December of January.


Pat Naughton with Economic Development Committee announced that they were having a meeting on December 17, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. with a manufacturer of air conditioners from California.  There was also discussion regarding a helicopter manufacturer.

James Rostopher questioned the City Council regarding minutes taken at meetings.

It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims subject to Mayor Berget’s approval.

Meeting recessed at 8:30 p.m. to reconvene in ten minutes for closed meeting to discuss personnel issues.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.