Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll was called.  Council members Bauer, Porter, Sorensen, Baeth, Thom and Stephens and City Clerk, Lana Stewart and Supervisor Dan Thede were present.

Mr. Stephens moved to accept the January regular meeting minutes.

Mr. Bauer seconded.

Motion carried.

Unfinished Business

The board appointments for L.A.D.C. have been tabled until the February 25, 2002 meeting.

New Business

L.A.D.C., E.D.C. and the Libby City Council will meet February 20, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the future of L.A.D.C.

Dirk Roeller with Roeller and Associates addressed the council on Late Comers Agreement for L.D.S. water main extension.

Mr. Bauer moved to accept the agreement.  Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

Ken Davis addressed the council regarding the hospital subdivision.  The council will put their questions and concerns down in writing.

Eileen Carney addressed the council regarding the closing of Mineral Avenue for the Irish Fair Parade.

Mr. Bauer moved to close Mineral Avenue for the parade.

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

Jim Rostopher had questions regarding the water budget and discussion followed.

Committee Reports

Mrs. Thom, Parks/Cemetery Committee, reported that Lil Johnson will be the camp host.    Mrs. Thom questioned the council about taking over ownership of the Libby Skate Park.

Lincoln County Parks Board would like the city to submit proposal in reference to the Legion Park.

Mrs. Thom asked the council if they would take ownership of the community swimming pool, if it was to be put on city property.

Mrs. Baeth, City/County Liaison, reported 24 impounded animals, 9 dogs in foster homes and 3 cats in foster homes.

Fire Chief, Tom Wood gave monthly report for January.

Mr. Sorenson, Building/Industrial Parks Committee, reported that they are still working on lease with Montana Athletic Club.

Mrs. Thom, Insurance Committee, reported that part time employees would be eligible for coverage at their own expense.

Mr. Stephens, Personnel Committee, reported that union negotiations are an ongoing process.

Clayton Coker, Police Chief, updated the council on police calls answered for the month of January.

Dan Thede reported there had been a 10” water main broke this month.

Mrs. Thom, Water Committee, discussed landscaping at the Water Treatment Plant.  There was also discussion regarding the road and installing a flag pole.

Mr. Bauer, Sewer/Lights Committee, reported new elements had been put in the boiler and there had been four back-ups in the sewer.

Mr. Bauer, Streets/Alleys Committee, reported the street crew had been busy snowplowing.  The street crew had taken down Christmas decorations.

Mr. Bauer, Cemetery/Parks Committee, reported there were four funerals for the month of January.

Mrs. Porter, Community Development Committee, reported there had been a meeting regarding Johnson Acres.  Community Development would like some direction regarding the house on 1022 California.

Mrs. Porter, Judicial Committee, reported that the City Judge, Linda Dorrington is running for Justice of the Peace.

Mayor Berget addressed the council regarding Flathead Electric Co-op.

Hear the Public

Mr. Rostopher questioned the council as to when the Ordinances/Resolutions would be in the library.

Mr. Sorensen moved to substitute Tom Erickson in place of Bob Parker for the Board of Adjustments position.

Mr. Bauer seconded.

Motion carried.

It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims subject to Mayor Berget’s approval.

Working Meeting scheduled for February 25, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.

Next city council meeting will be held March 4, 2002.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Mayor, Anthony J. Berget

City Clerk, Lana Stewart