Regular Meeting February 5, 2001
Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call/Welcome - Approval of Council meeting-previous minutes
a. Grace Rantala – Igniters Car Club
b. D. C. Orr – Local Government Issues
c. Libby Area Development Co. – 1st Recommendation -
a. Council Committee Reports
b. Okay to pay claims - ADJOURNMENT
Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Baeth, Bauer, Porter, Sorensen, Stephens and Thom, City Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Supervisor, Dan Thede was present. The minutes from the January regular meeting were presented and approved.
Mayor Berget read a letter that was written to Senator Conrad Burns, concerning Mayor John Brown and the City of Troy’s request for a proportion of the Federal monies the city has received.
Mr. Stephens moved not to percentage out these monies to surrounding areas.
Mr. Sorensen seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Bob Tunis, Libby Area Development Co., submitted the Troy Senior Citizens proposal for consideration. The proposal is asking for $114,000.00 to purchase land and fund a portion of the costs associated with the construction of the new building. Their proposal is to get an interest free loan for $114,000.00. They would purchase a Certificate of Deposit from First National Bank, renewable each year for 10 years. They would then borrow money from First National Bank, using the CD as security. Monies would be returned to the City of Libby after the 10-year period.
Mrs. Porter expressed concern on how the senior citizens will repay the loan.
Shirley Chase, Secretary/Treasurer LADC, stated that the Troy Senior Citizens have shown a profit each year and with the added space for rent and additional seating they will have, it should bring in the additional monies needed.
Council expressed concern on how the LADC board plans on spending the $8,000,000.00, will they be spending the principal or interest for future projects.
Mr. Ardell Filler, LADC Board member, stated that the law stated these monies are to be used for emergency, and that the City of Libby is in an emergency situation now.
A discussion followed.
Mr. Stephens moved to accept the Troy Senior Citizens proposal.
Mr. Sorensen seconded.
Discussion followed. Meeting was recorded and is stored at city hall.
Mr. Bauer “Yes”
Mrs. Baeth “Yes”
Mrs. Porter “No”
Mr. Sorensen “Yes”
Mr. Stephens “Yes”
Mrs. Thom “No”
Motion carried to accept the Troy Senior Citizens proposal.
Grace Rantala, Libby Igniters Club, asked permission to close off Mineral Avenue on August 18, 2001, for Hot August Nights.
Mr. Stephens moved to allow this closure.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Mayor Berget stated that the second proposal to be considered by the Libby Area Development Co. was submitted by the Lincoln County Campus. This proposal is asking that the council consider giving the Lincoln County Campus $500,000.00 to purchase the old Forest Service building and to help with roofing repairs. Mayor Berget needs for the council to decide that if LADC and the city approve this application, would the City of Libby want to take ownership of this building?
The City Council was in agreement that the ownership of this building would still belong to the county. Mayor Berget also asked that on the ownership papers a revision clause be added in stating that, should the Lincoln Campus move out of this building the City of Libby and Lincoln County would do what is needed to have the original investment returned.
Mr. Rostorfer asked questions on the City of Libby employee policy.
Mayor Berget turned meeting over to Council President, George Bauer.
D.C. Orr asked that the council explain why WR Grace had not install the temporary buildings on city property. Buildings are currently located on Mayor Berget’s property.
The City Council explained that the main sewer line ran under where the buildings were to be located and that the building would have blocked access to the property behind it from the fire department. There were also many resident who were opposed to placing the buildings at the proposed site.
City Attorney, Scott Spencer, stated that the City of Libby has received a petition from Attorney Ann German, to set aside the decision of the Board of Adjustments dated January 8, 2001. The decision was to grant a temporary variance to allow the operation of an asphalt plant within the city limits. After a discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m., to discuss this litigation with the city attorney.
Meeting was called back to order at 9:15.
Council President, George Bauer announced that after a discussion with the city attorney, the Board of Adjustments decision would stand.
Council President, George Bauer, turned meeting back over to Mayor Berget.
Mayor Berget stated that the City of Libby is currently working with Don Smith, on installing a hydroelectric plant at the city reservoir.
Mrs. Thom, Local Parks Board, announced that the board is asking for cities support in hiring a parks director for Lincoln County. Director would be responsible for locating and applying for grants and supervise employees who work in parks. Salary would be split between the City of Libby, Lincoln County and the Park Board. Council was in agreement to pursue this issue further.
Mr. Sorensen, Building Committee, reported that the committee would be meeting this month with Alan Springer, WR Grace, to discussion the Industrial Park site.
Mr. Stephens, Personnel Committee, announced that the committee should start working on the union contract this month.
Mr. Porter, Police Committee, updated the council on police calls answered for the month of January.
Mr. Thede reported that the city has taken ownership of the water filtration plant.
Mr. Bauer, Lighting Committee, announced that a public hearing would be held March 5, 2001 to receive public comment on future lighting costs for the City of Libby.
Mrs. Porter, Community Development, stated that the city is trying to purchase a home from HUD. Home is located at 1022 California Avenue and has fire damage to it. Committee is considering several development options.
Kirby Maki, Libby Public School, explained that the school system and the college system are considering developing an accredited Building Trades Class for High School and College students. Could possible use this building as a future project for this class.
It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims as per the claims approval list.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.