THE 1181st MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MARCH 6, 2000 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS.Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Bauer, Johnston, Porter, Stephens and Thom, City Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Supervisor, Dan Thede were present. The minutes from the February meeting were presented and approved.
A public hearing for the purpose of obtaining public comments regarding community needs and priorities for the City of Libby was held. Purpose of said meeting was held in conjunction with the City of Libby who is considering applying for a Community Development Block Grant. A list of guests is attached to minutes.
Paul Rumelhart and several members of the Kootenai Heritage Council reported the following, on the proposed Performing Arts Center.
Mr. Rumelhart, P.O. Box 97, Libby, MT 59923, Proposed site for the Performing Arts Center is the Memorial Gym, currently the Kootenai Heritage Council has been awarded $900,000.00.
Diane Rewerts, 287 Kootenai Drive, Libby, MT 59923, addressed the need for the Performing Arts Center.
Donna Black, 218 Manor Drive, Libby, MT 59923, addressed the different organizations that will be able to perform and use these facilities.
Jeff Gruber, 908 Mineral Avenue, Libby, MT 59923, addressed the historical value to the City of Libby if this Performing Arts Center is built.
John Desch, 510 Nevada Avenue, Libby, MT 59923, addressed the economic benefits to the city and county businesses.
Mr. Rumelhart stated that the Kootenai Heritage Council would need an additional $2,500,000.00 to complete this project.
Don Rogers, 1415 Montana Avenue, Libby, Montana 59923, commented that a committee should be formed to see what the community felt was needed.
Bob Ward, 248 Highwood Drive, Libby, Montana 59923, asked if the capitol improvement plan had been updated since the last time the city applied for a grant?
Mr. Thede stated that the plan had not been updated.
With no further public comment Mayor Berget adjourned the public hearing at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Bauer made a motion to appoint Ken Sorenson to the city council, as per the Personnel Committee recommendation.
Mr. Johnston seconded.
Mr. Bauer, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Thom “Yes”
Mr. Stephens “No”
Motion carried.
Ordinance #1569, Building Codes Amendments, was given it’s second reading.
Mrs. Porter moved to pass Ordinance #1569
Mr. Stephens seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Bauer moved to appoint Peggy Craver to the Board of Adjustments.
Mr. Johnston seconded.
Motion carried.
Mayor Berget stated that the Kootenai Kiwanis Club would like some help in getting weeds removed from the Demo Park. Matter put into the Parks Committee.
Mayor Berget read a letter from Niles Nelson, Nelson-Vial Funeral Home, asking if the city would be interested in selling the old tennis court property behind his business. Matter put into the Parks Committee.
Mr. Bauer asked that the street committee look at West Thomas Street. Road is in need of some repair.
Melanie Hale and Val Davis stated that they would like to put in a dance studio on California Avenue. This space formerly housed the Diamond Karaoke Club. Council was in agreement to allow this business inside the city limits if they have all the necessary inspections.
Mr. Thede asked that the Parks Committee look into continuing the Lincoln Blvd tree project.
Fire Chief, Tom Wood, updated the council on fire call answered for the month of February.
Mr. Johnston, Building Committee, stated that the committee will be talking to the Montana Athletic Club on their new lease agreement.
Mr. Johnston also reported that a letter was received from the Lincoln County Commissioners that the Lincoln County Health Nurse would be moving out of the old city hall building effective April 1, 2000.
Mr. Bauer, Personnel Committee, stated that interviews for the temporary city service worker will be held on March 27, 2000.
Police Chief, Clayton Coker, updated the council on police calls answered for the month of February.
Mr. Johnston asked that the city council read over a proposed letter that he will be submitting to Senator Max Baucus.
Mr. Stephens made a motion to put in a handicap parking space in front of the Oddfellows Lodge.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Mayor Berget read the Board of Adjustment monthly report.
Mayor Berget reminded the council of a public hearing that will be held on March 20, 2000.
It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims as per the claim approval list.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.