Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll was called.  Council members Bothman, Crismore, Roll, McElmurry and Huntsberger and Leckrone, Supervisor of City Services, Dan Thede, and Deputy City Clerk, Beth Burrell were present.

Bill Sonntag of the Family Worship Center offered the opening prayer.

Ms. Leckrone made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 4, 2005 regular meeting, April 18, 2005 and April 26, 2005 special meetings.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
The motion carried.

Ordinance No. 1638 of the Uniform Fire Code was given its first reading by Mayor Berget.

Les Skramstad asked for and was granted permission to use the Rose Garden area at the cemetery for the memorial to asbestos victims from May 24 through June 4.  He also asked for the use of an electrical cord for the service on Memorial Day.

Mayor Berget signed a proclamation making May 9 through June 5, Buckle Up America month.


The Web Camera purchase/rental proposal has been continued to the next meeting.


Sealed bids were opened:

City Service Valcon                                                             $1.17 per gallon for propane.

Kootenai Paving

PF-180 paving machine with operator and screedman;             $135.00 per hour
(For non Prevailing Wage) if Prevailing Wages add                  $  30.00 per hour
Requires 1 hour prior and 1 hour after production            8 Hour Minimum Rental

Paving Roller with operator                                                     $  65.00 per hour
(For non Prevailing Wage) if Prevailing Wages add                  $  20.00 per hour

Asphalt Laborer (Raker/Shoveler)                                           $  45.00 per hour
(For non Prevailing Wage) if Prevailing Wages add                  $  20.00 per hour

Equipment Transport                                                               $  80.00 per hour
(For non Prevailing Wage) if Prevailing Wages add                  $  20.00 per hour


2 inch thickness Type ‘B’(3/4’) or Type S-1 (1/2”) Hot Mix Asphalt:
Less than 3000 SF(500 SF Min.)                               $   2.00 per Square Foot
3000 or more SF                                                       $   1.00 per Square Foot

3 inch thickness of Type ‘B’(3/4’) or Type S-1 (1/2”) Hot Mixed Asphalt:

Less than 3000 SF (500 SF Min.)                              $   2.50 per Square Foot
3000 or More SF                                                      $   1.25 per Square Foot

Moore Oil, Inc. for unleaded Gasoline and Diesel Fuel:  As of 4/30/05

Unleaded Diesel Propane
Gasoline Fuel
Supply Rack Calgary Missoula Billings
Posted Price 1.647 1.7005
Discount (if any) 0.000 0.0000   0.0000
Freight to Libby 0.1200   0.0994
State Tax 0.2700   0.0075
DST Fee/Super Fund Fee 0.0075 0.2775
Subtotal 2.0450 2.0850 82.5000
Minimum Mark up at 7% N/A N/A N/A
Additional Margin 5.0000 5.0000 10.0000
Total Bid 2.0950 2.1350 92.5000

Remp Sand & Gravel, Inc.

5/8 minus crushed gravel                                                  $  4.20 per cubic yard
3/8 minus crushed chips                                                    $14.25 per cubic yard

The bids were submitted to the Street Committee for review.

Pam Peppenger requested various street closures on 8th Street and Lincoln Blvd for Libby Logger Days June 23 thought June 25.

Mr. Huntsberger made a motion to allow the street closure.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
The motion passed.

Bob Powell asked that the City buy and install privacy slats in the chain link fence at the Water Distribution Shop.  The request was given to the water committee.

A request for a stop sign at Dakota and Lincoln Boulevard with the stop on Dakota Avenue was postponed until the May 16th meeting.

Betty Jo Wood presented the proposed LRI budget for 2005/2006.  Mayor Berget stated that it would be handled at the midmonth meeting.

The Libby Woodworks issue was put in working committee meeting for the midmonth meeting.

The proposal to purchase property at the end of Mineral Avenue was presented by Mr. Crismore.  Some discussion followed.  Item was tabled until the May 16th special meeting.


CEMETERY  – PARKS  – Gary Huntsberger reported on progress with the skateboard park.  Trees were planted at Riverside Park on Arbor Day.

CITY/COUNTY LIASON  – Stu Crismore stated that the county weed program was starting.  Arrangements will be make for Chris Swenson to start spraying for the city.

FIRE  – Chief Tom Wood gave the fire report.  Two calls had been made in the City.

INSURANCE  – Bob Worthington made a presentation to the Council concerning limiting liability on controversial Council decisions.

PERSONNEL  – Charlene Leckrone reported that Ron Higgins had been given the position of Building Inspector and Tanya Gehrke was hired to take the position of Deputy City Clerk/Billing Clerk.

WATER  – Lee Bothman made a motion to write off $3,564.98 in bankruptcies in the water department.  Doug Roll Seconded, Motion Passed.

Mr. Bothman commented on the rising bill of the Port Authority.

SIDEWALKS/CURBS  – Lee Bothman requested a $400 reimbursement for the Sheltered Workshop.  This was put on the agenda for the midmonth meeting.

BUDGET/FINANCE – Charlene Leckrone stated that the various departments needed to get their budgets submitted for next year.

UNION NEGOTIATIONS – Gary Huntsberger commented that there would be a negotiations beginning May 11.

Mayor Berget put the letter from Ken Peterson dealing with City Planning into committee to be taken care of at the midmonth meeting.

Ms. Leckrone made a motion to pay the claims except for warrant # 19060 until clarified by the City Clerk.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

D.C. Orr addressed the Mayor and Council concerning Mr. John Norberg, the late building inspector’s good integrity.

The Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Mayor Anthony J. Berget

Deputy City Clerk, Beth A. Burrell




Mayor Anthony Berget called the meeting to order at 7:04 and led the pledge of allegiance.  Roll was called.  Council members Bothman, Crismore, Huntsberger, Leckrone, McElmurry and Roll, City Services Supervisor Dan Thede, and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present.

Ordinance No. 1639 Amend Ordinance No. 1635 Plant Investment Fees was given its first reading.

Libby Revitalization proposal for funding for fiscal year 2005-06 was tabled until the June 6, 2005 regular meeting.

A letter from City Attorney Scott Spencer regarding Libby Woodworks certificate of deposit on file at Lincoln County Credit Union was read.

Ms. Leckrone moved to accept the letter and submit it to Lincoln County Credit Union.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion carried. Mr. Crismore opposed.

The proposal by Mr. Crismore suggesting the City purchase the property at the end of Mineral Avenue was discussed. It was suggested that the Libby Revitalization group review the proposal, as it is part of the downtown plan.

The City of Libby is proposing creating a planning and zoning board for the city limits. Lincoln County has the option to have a planning board but they have no jurisdiction within the boundaries of the city. They can, however, choose to have a delegate on the city’s board at their choosing. Mayor Berget will draft a letter to the County informing them of the city’s intentions requesting input that they feel they would like to offer.

D. C. Orr addressed the City Council.

Jim Rostorfer addressed the City Council.

Mr. Roll made a motion to adjourn.
Mr. Bothman seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 pm.

Mayor, Anthony J. Berget

Chris A. Erickson, City Clerk

The Council reconvened into a general council working committee.

Mr. Dan Mueller was present to offer his expertise in the current needs of the City regarding current city streets, right-of-ways, stop signs and yield signs. He will draft a proposal and bring it to the City for review.

The Port Authority’s outstanding water bill was discussed. It was decided to have the water committee schedule a meeting with the Port Authority to discuss the issue.

Annexation into the city limits for the golf course area was discussed. The general consensus was to have the planning board draft a letter to all residents the annexation would affect. The proposal would be discussed at the June 6, 2005 regular meeting.

General Council working committee adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

Chris A. Erickson, City Clerk