Mayor Berget called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Bischoff, Bothman, Leckrone, McElmurry and Roll, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede, City Attorney Charles Evans and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present. Council member Crismore was absent.

The pastor from the Methodist Church offered prayer.

Ms. Leckrone moved to accept the minutes from the April 3, 2006 regular meeting with one change and the April 10, 2006 special meeting with one change.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion carried.


Russ Thompson, Vice President of the American Legion Baseball, requested a grant of $9000 from the city to repair the existing bathroom facility at the ballpark. The money will be used for material only. Volunteers will donate all the labor. Mayor Berget stated he had reviewed the budget and suggested allocating funds of $6,000 from the Parks and Cemetery budgets to assist with the bathroom project. The American Legion is receiving $3,000 in grant monies also.

Mr. McElmurry moved to grant $5,000 from the Parks budget and $1,000 from the Cemetery budget for the bathroom project with the monies being disbursed upon receipt of invoices.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion carried.

The David Thompson Search and Rescue request was tabled until the June 5, 2006 regular meeting because of sewer line issues not yet resolved.


Tungsten Holdings put in a request for alley abandonment for the alley directly behind their place of business. Mayor Berget assigned the subject to the street committee for a recommendation at the budget hearings.

Pat Pezzelle, board member for the Economic Development Committee came before the council to request city council participation on the board. He said the city is an integral part of the success of economic development and they should have a voice and accountability. There are nine board member positions. Currently six positions are filled. The board meets Tuesday evenings. Mayor Berget told Mr. Pezzelle the council would make a recommendation and let him know.

The subject Council Rules and Procedures was tabled until the next regular meeting in June so all board members would be present to discuss the issue.

Mayor Berget asked Doug Roll to meet with the members of the Board of Adjustments to reaffirm their interest in continuing to serve on the board. Mr. Roll will verify his findings at the June regular council meeting.

Mayor Berget expressed his interest in a splash park for the City of Libby. There is a proposal that is connected to phases of the pool proposal. His thoughts were for the cost and timeliness, it would be a great idea to have a smaller version of a splash pad completed by summer 2006. He suggested construction at the Fireman’s Park due to the fact another well could be dug allowing for recirculation of the water. The original idea was to be at the city hall property but the water situation was becoming a major issue and would be very expensive and time consuming to complete.

Mr. Bothman moved to proceed with the splash pad at the Fireman’s Park location with the understanding the city would not pay any money toward the project for labor or materials.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion carried.


Mayor Berget requested a volunteer from the council to fill an open position on the Lincoln County Tourism board.

Logger Days Committee requested permission to close Mineral Avenue on June 24, 2006 for the annual parade.

Ms. Leckrone moved to close Mineral Avenue on June 24, 2006 for the Logger Days parade.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion carried.

Gary Doubek submitted a request to have a street dance for Logger Days on June 23 and June 24, 2006 and a request to have a street dance for the rodeo on July 28 and July 29, 2006 on Mineral Avenue. The request was tabled until the June 5, 2006 meeting in order to obtain more detail regarding the events.

U-Serve made a request to construct a sign on the property they currently lease from the city. They plan to hold a fundraiser and feel they could benefit by having the visibility of a sign. The validity of the current lease was discussed and it was unsure if the lease was still valid. The council will revisit the lease at the regular meeting in June 2006.

Mr. Bischoff moved to allow U-Serve to construct a sign stating “possible future home of U-Serve”.
Ms. Leckrone seconded the motion.
Motion carried.


Cemetery/Parks  – Mr. Bothman met with Mr. Huntsberger of the Tree Committee regarding their assistance with the River Front Park. Mr. Huntsberger relayed the information that the committee would like to assist with any tree planting but do not want to work with a landscaping plan.

City/County Liaison  – A phone conference call was held on May 3 at 3:30 p.m. with Max Dobb regarding the delay in the record of decision. Mr. McElmurry said weed spraying would begin.

Fire  – None. Mayor Berget report mill levies should be increased for the fire department to bring the pension plan up to date.

Building/Industrial Park  – Ms. Leckrone reported that Bonnie Morrow of the MAC approached her with a request to have more new carpet and who could assist them in completing maintenance projects when they arise.

Insurance  – Mr. McElmurry reported there was an employee meeting scheduled May 3 to review the new health plans offered by MMIA.

Personnel  – None

Police  – Officer Barnett presented the monthly police report.

Resolution/Ordinance  – None.

Water  – Mr. McElmurry reported he was using a new chemical with great success and a great savings.

Sewer/Lights  – Bids on the new sewer line were going to advertised.

Streets/Alleys  – Street patching was being done.

Sidewalks/curbs  – Mr. Bothman said he has had numerous inquries.

Budget/Finance  – None.

Judicial  – None.

Union Negotiations  – None.

RC&D  – None.

Mr. McElmurry moved to pay the claims as presented.
Ms. Leckrone seconded the motion.
Motion carried.


No public asked to speak.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Anthony J. Berget, Mayor

Chris A. Erickson, City Clerk