Mayor Berget called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Bischoff, Bothman, Crismore, Leckrone, McElmurry, and Roll, City Attorney Charles Evans, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede and Deputy City Clerk Tanya Gehrke were present. City Clerk Chris Erickson was absent.

Pastor Les Nelson of the Christ Lutheran Libby Church offered prayer.

Mr. McElmurry moved to accept the minutes of the April 2, 2007 regular meeting, March 20, 2007 Libby Dam Retreat, April 4, 2007 and April 18, 2007 Breakfast Meetings; and April 11 and April 16, 2007 special meetings as presented.
Ms. Leckrone seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

Resolution No. 1679 Approving Fee Increases was read by Mayor Berget.

Ms. Leckrone made a motion to accept Resolution No. 1679.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Berget read Resolution No. 1680 urging the United States Congress to amend the Satellite Home Viewers Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (SHVERA) to provide certain subscribers the option of receiving broadcast television signals from their state of residence. Jay Goley and Duane Williams both spoke in favor of the Resolution.

Mr. Roll made a motion to accept Resolution No. 1680.
Mr. Crismore seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

The public was given a chance to speak about items listed on the agenda. No public asked to speak.


The cell phone policy was discussed. It was agreed that the City would pay 50% of the Mayors cell phone bill. The other department’s bills are very minimal.  City Attorney Charles Evans said he will prepare a resolution.

Bill Buxton with Morrison-Maierle, Inc. spoke about the Cabinet Heights Wastewater project. He said that they have been working closely with Rural Development and that the City will be sent a contract to review next week. He said that there are planning grants available and Water & Sewer HB512 authorizes TSEP to spend the money. Morrison-Maierle, Inc. will be providing monthly updates on the Cabinet Heights Wastewater project.


Dale and Marlene Herreid spoke regarding abandonment of a dead end alley in Block 1 of Hennessey Addition. The street committee will review this and if it is granted the City will prepare an Ordinance.

Mr. Roll made a motion to start the process.
Mr. Bothman seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

Penny Kyes with Libby Volunteer Ambulance addressed the Council regarding the construction of the new Ambulance facility at 307 Montana Avenue.  Jim Regh will be doing the construction work. Penny asked for the fees to be waived for the building permit and also the water tapping fee and sewer connection fee. The costs were approximately $6,500.00 for the building permit and $3,900.00 for water and sewer hookup fees.

Mr. Roll said that the Plant Investment Policy does not address a fee schedule for volunteer services and he asked City Attorney Charles Evans to look into the policy.

Mr. Crismore made a motion for the building permit and water and sewer fees to be waived.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

Tree City USA planted about 20 trees on Arbor Day. Mayor Berget mentioned that there are pieces of an old curb that needed to be removed on Spruce Street and Highway 2.

Neva Dakota of 25 Hamann Avenue is requesting her property to be annexed into the City limits.

Mr. Crismore made a motion to annex the property at 25 Hamann Avenue into the City limits.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

City Attorney Charles Evans will prepare a Resolution.

Open enrollment with Montana Municipal Insurance Authority will be in June. Mayor Berget said Union negotiations begin on May 15, 2007 and that there should not be a decision made until after that date.  This was tabled and will be addressed at the Special Council meeting to be held on May 21, 2007.


Ms. Leckrone reported that the next Operating and Maintenance meeting is Wednesday May 9, 2007 and that the cleanup in the City of Troy began in April.

Mr. Roll asked Fire Chief Tom Wood for a monthly report. The LVFD had 3 calls in the City and 2 in rural areas last month. LVFD has been awarded a Federal grant in the amount of $5,000.00 and Flathead Electric has donated $1,500.00 for special smoke detectors. The smoke detectors will benefit the blind, hearing impaired and young children.

Mr. Crismore reported that the property at 516 Louisiana which was granted a variance on the condition that their sign be moved has not moved their sign away from the curb.

In Mr. Coker’s absence, Mr. Crismore gave a brief police report.  Colin Barnett has resigned his position and presently the department has 13 applications.  Testing will begin later this month. The Police committee is down to 1 person so there needs to be 2 more people appointed to fill the vacancies.

Montana League of Cities and Towns Institute is May 6-11, 2007 in Billings.  Current City Treasurer Chris Erickson, new City Treasurer Glena Young, Mayor Berget, and Councilmen Mr. Roll and Mr. Bothman will be attending.

Mr. Roll moved to pay the claims as presented.
Ms. Leckrone seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.


Tom Wood wanted to clarify that George Wood is still the Chairman of the board for the Airport Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Anthony J. Berget, Mayor

Tanya R. Gehrke, Deputy City Clerk





Mayor Berget called the special meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Roll was called. Council members Bothman, Bischoff, Leckrone, McElmurry, Roll, City Attorney Charles Evans (7:00 p.m.), City Services Supervisor Dan Thede and City Clerk Chris Erickson were present. Council member Crismore was absent.

Mayor Berget read Resolution No. 1681 Approving Annexation of Property on Hamann Avenue. The planning board recommended approval of the annexation.

Mr. McElmurry moved to accept Resolution No. 1681 as read.
Ms. Leckrone seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.


Montana Municipal Insurance Authority (MMIA) conducted open enrollment for the employee health benefit plans through Blue Cross Blue Shield for FY07. In the past, the city chose one plan for all employees. This year MMIA is offering individualized selection of plans that would best suit each employees needs. The insurance committee recommended that the city allow the employees to choose their individual plan. The city would still contribute $425 per month per employee to be applied to insurance premiums regardless of which plan they were to choose.

Mr. Bischoff moved to approve the individualized insurance plan through MMIA for FY07 and continue the $425 contribution to each employee per month for premiums.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.

WGM Engineers were present to discuss the Downtown Streetscape plan. Mayor Berget suggested that the group meet informally after the special council meeting with Libby Revitalization, Inc. present and then reconvene with the council.

Doug Roll presented a request from the Lincoln County Rural Fire District. They are asking for an agreement for the City to pay half the tender costs for the Cabinet Heights area. They feel since the area has been annexed and they no longer receive a portion of the taxes, they are losing money and would like assistance. Mr. Roll said it would cost the city about $2,500 per year. The city will ask Charles Evans to draw up a contract and negotiate a price with Rural Fire.

Charlene Leckrone, Council President, 1305 Renwood Dr., asked to be acknowledged as a member of the public to discuss the Frisbee golf course erected behind her house. She voiced concern regarding the lack of visibility throughout the course. There is a lot of bicycle and walking activity along the paths that are now also used for the golf course. She thought there should have been some type of meeting set up for the residents of the area to voice concerns and become informed along with the city council as the property is owned by the city. Mayor Berget suggested getting a hold of Keith Iverson and set up a meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:23.

An open discussion was held with WGM Engineers, Libby Revitalization and the city council to discuss the Downtown Streetscape Plan. Mayor Berget explained to the group that due to the expense of the impending Cabinet Heights Wastewater Project, city funds are limited for the upcoming years. Although he strongly felt the project was very important, the project would need to be scaled back. After meeting with the council, they agreed that the downtown merchants wanted to focus on sidewalks, lighting, and greenery with some angled parking. They were concerned with a theme for downtown but when the “City of Eagles” trademark was introduced, they all voiced support. It was agreed that the cost of the project would be more realistic at about $2.5 million to $3 million. WGM was in agreement that a great deal could be accomplished with a lesser budget, but it would entail a change of the scope of work, a revised feasibility study and a new fee schedule. As soon as an update is received from WGM and their services are retained, another downtown merchant meeting would be scheduled. WGM requested access to the CAD maps from the city which would aid in the revision.

The discussion regarding the streetscape plan ended at 7:00 p.m. The special meeting was reconvened at 7:08 p.m.


Mayor Berget excused himself from the discussion regarding the “City of Eagles” trademark as his brother Todd Berget is the sculptor/designer for the project. LRI, Bill Bischoff, Doug Roll, Lee Bothman and Todd Berget had met earlier to discuss the new, exciting project. Schematics were shared that included an archway with an eagle over Mineral Avenue several feet from the intersection. Rita Windom stated the name “City of Eagles” had never been trademarked although a town in Arkansas uses the name on hats and shirts. They were actively seeking donations to fund the project which has a total cost of about $16,000 to $27,000 depending on the cost of steel posts. The cost of the posts would be over and above that estimate. The group plans to have the project completed and displayed by July 4, 2007.

 HEAR THE PUBLIC: No more public asked to be heard.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.


Anthony J. Berget, Mayor

Tanya R. Gehrke, Deputy City Clerk