The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Roll, who led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed the public. Mrs. Williams, Mr. Orr, Mr. Carter, Mr. McElmurry and Mr. Bischoff were present. City Attorney Heather McDougall and City Clerk-Treasurer Glena L. Hook were also present.  Council member Lee Bothman was absent.

Prayer was offered by Pastor Tony Shaw of the Bible Baptist Church.

Mr. McElmurry made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting from November 2, 2009.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion passed.


Elections Tuesday, November 3, 2009.


Cemetery/Parks; Council member Ron Carter announced that the letter of Support for the Forest Service was close to completion and it would be ready by the next council meeting.

Fire; NA

Resolution/Ordinances; NA

Personnel; NA

Water/Sewer/Streets: The City of Libby is working with Troy (County) to trade a sweeper for an excavator.  The street crew is getting equipment ready for snow plowing and the snow ordinance needs to be put into the paper.

Budget/Finance; NA

Police; New Officers to be sworn in on Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Fire Suppression, Bob Payne; The committee recommended charging Bob Payne for 3 months of Fire Suppression with a reasonable amount of interest and writing off the rest of the Fire Suppression bill.
Mr. Orr made a motion to approve the committee recommendations.
Mr. Carter seconded the motion.
Motion Passed.

Trent Oelberg spoke for the Skateboard Group and stated that they had found another area for the Skateboard Park beside the new tennis courts by City Hall.  Greg Woods spoke to the council about the Tony Hawk Foundation Grant.  It was decided that this needs to go to committee.  The committee will meet with Trent Oelberg on Wednesday, November 4, 2009.  The Skateboard Park will be put on the next agenda.

Folf (Disc Golf); Council member Peggy Williams stated she met with the Folf people.  Peggy also stated that she was concerned about all the stubble/stobs that are left sticking out of the ground in the area that the Folf people are interested in putting the new nine holes in on City Property.  Officer Brad Dotson speaking for the Folf people stated that he has talked to the property owner just outside the area of the proposed new Folf Course and that the property owner does not have a problem with the proposed Folf Course.  Council member Peggy Williams asked if some clearing could be done by the Folf people to remove some of the stobs that could lead to injury if tripped or fell upon.  Brad Dotson stated that they could probably address some clearing.  City Attorney Heather McDougall was asked by the mayor to check into the liability that the city may have in letting the Folf Course be put on city property. Mrs.  Williams stated that as long as the criteria is meant then the committee would recommend that the city let the Folf people use the City property for nine holes of Folf.
Mr. McElmurry made a motion to accept the Folf Course recommendation.
Mr. Orr seconded that motion.
Motion Passed.

Kandis Peterson of the Libby Care Center was not present to speak at the meeting.

Pernal Whitehead of Morrison and Maierle spoke to the council about whether they would like to double chip seal the roads in the Cabinet Heights Project or just patch them as was part of the bid.  Mr. Whitehead explained to the council that the double chop seal would leave the roads in much better condition than the patch work , but the cost would be around $100,000.
Mr. Carter made a motion to allow Edstrom Construction to do the double chip seal in the project.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

OU1 park plan;  Mayor Roll stated that time was running out to get a preliminary plan to EPA concerning the OU1 city property.  The Mayor stated he needed at least a basic idea before December 16, 2009.  The council will meet on November 9, 2009 at 5:30pm to discuss a plan and again on November 16, 2009 at 6:00pm with EPA.


Vicki Lawrence of the Tree Board talked to the council and Mayor about the Tree Boards plans to plant trees at the Libby Cemetery using some of the Grant money to be received from the new grant.

Resolution # 1745 amendment of FY-10 Budget for Police JAG Grant
Mr. McElmurry made a motion to approve resolution #1745.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Resolution # 1746 amendment of FY-10 Budget for HB 645 Stimulus Grant;
Mr. Bischoff made a motion to approve resolution #1746.
Mr. Orr seconded the motion.
Motion passed.


Cabinet Heights Project, Edstrom Construction draw;
Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve the Edstrom Construction draw.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Review Payroll and Claims for October 2009; Mr. Orr asked who had authorized for payment the sidewalks and curbs to be put in the area of 4th Street and Main Street.  Mayor Roll stated that he had OK’d the payment.
Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve payroll and claims for October 2009.
Mr. Orr seconded the motion.
Motion passed.


There was no comment from the public.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm.


Mayor Doug Roll                                                        City Clerk/Treasurer Glena L. Hook



The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm, by Council President, Lee Bothman who led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed the public. Mrs. Williams, Mr. Orr, Mr. Carter, Mr. McElmurry, Mr. Bothman and Mr. Bischoff were present. City Attorney Heather McDougall and City Clerk-Treasurer Glena L. Hook were also present.  Mayor Roll was not in attendance.

Mr. McElmurry made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting from November 2, 2009.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion passed. 


City Clerk-Treasurer, Glena L. Hook reported to the Council that the Clerk’s office was ready to send out the Business License applications for 2010 and asked the Council if they would like to look over them.  Mrs. Hook also reported that she had sent out a memo to all department heads that when hiring contracted labor that a first line of defense should be to send contractor to City Hall so that all proper paperwork could be done and a Business License purchased if needed.  Mrs. Hook stated she had included in the council packets copies of the memo.

City Clerk-Treasurer, Glena L. Hook reported to the Council that she had received information on the Councils request to see if the City of Libby’s Ordinances could be put on CD.  Mrs. Hook reported that the Ordinance’s could be put on CD and that the City of Libby’s Ordinances could also be put on the Municode web site and have a link on the City’s wed site to go to the Municode web site.  Mrs. Hook also reported to the Council how they could check the Ordinances of two other cities on the Municode web site to see if they were interested in getting the City of Libby Ordinance put on the web site also.

City Clerk-Treasurer, Glena L. Hook reported to the Council that she had not been able to reconcile the city finances as yet because her computer had been down.  Mrs. Hook also offered to give a monthly report on the city’s finances to the Finance Committee if they would like.  There was no comment.


There were no committee reports 


Trent Oelberg introduced Ric Jaqueth to speak for the skateboard park.  Mr. Jaqueth spoke about the problem with finding a usable area for the skate park.  He also talked about how a skateboard park was a good opportunity for the City.  The area the Skateboard organization is looking at is by the Tennis Courts on Spruce St.  Mr. Jaqueth spoke about the concerns the Tennis Court Organization had with the tennis courts being so near to the proposed skateboard park.   Mr. Jaqueth commented that they have a designer and planner and he would be interested in the concerns about putting the skate park by the tennis courts.   Mr. Jaqueth did not believe the skateboard park would be any problem to the tennis courts.  He stated that there is enough room to put a flat area for beginners at the skate park so as to detour any skateboarder from using the tennis courts.  Council Member Ron Carter gave Mr. Jaqueth a letter written by the Tennis Court Organization on their concerns.  The council decided to leave the skateboard park area in committee.

Dr. Scott Foss talked to the council about the fencing at the Legion Baseball Park.  Dr. Foss handed out an itemized list of the fencing costs at the Legion Baseball Park and handed out copies to the council and mayor.  Dr. Foss asked the council for $3,368.10 for help with the fencing and is receiving the other half by the Libby Park District of Lincoln County.  Council Member Ron Carter stated that he had visited with Dr. Foss and was impressed of the amount of work being done.  Mr. Carter also stated that he is in support of the City helping with the fencing costs.  Council Member Walt McElmurry asked if Mr. Foss had given permission to drive a truck onto the field to work on the lights & scoreboards.  Mr. Foss said yes it would be fine. No decisions were made.

Letter of support for Forest Service;
Mr. Orr made a motion to approved the letter of support.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
Mr. Carter stated that he had to recues himself.


Snowplowing W. 1st Street, Robert Clemons;  Mr. Clemons was not present.  Mr. Bothman asked for this to go to committee.

Council Member Ron Carter gave a detailed presentation on Biomass energy.  Mr. Carter stated that the Biomass energy will be certified the cleanest production of energy and asked for a letter of support from the council and mayor.

City Clerk-Treasurer, Glena L. Hook gave a report to the council that George Neimi-Kootenai Paving was working with First National Bank in Missoula to get a new loan under the American Recovery Act. 



Debra Sprankel of Beartooth Mech. LLC stated to the council that there are several individuals working in the city without the proper license or Business License.  Mr. Bothman told Ms. Sprankel that the council was working the Business License Ordinance.  Mr. Bothman also stated that he would need to talk to the City Building Inspector.  Ms. Sprankel asked if the council could help get the attorney’s to prosecute people who are turned in by the Board of Plumbers.  Debra Sprankel asked if she could get a copy of the Business License List and asked what should she do if she finds somebody working without a license.  Ms. Sprankel was told that she could have a Business License List and if  she finds somebody working in the city limits without a license she should call the Sheriff Dispatch and let them send an officer out to check.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.


Council President, Lee Bothman                                City Clerk/Treasurer Glena L. Hook


The meeting was called to order @ 5:35pm by Mayor Roll who led the pledge of allegiance.

Mrs. Williams, Mr. Bothman, Mr. Orr, Mr. Carter and Mr. Bischoff were present.  Mr. McElmurry was absent.  City Clerk-Treasurer Glena L. Hook was also present.

Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve the Cabinet Heights Project draw contingent on receiving current lien releases from all subcontractors.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion Passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45pm and the working committee meeting on the OU1 Park Plan was started.


Mayor Doug Roll                                                        City Clerk/Treasurer Glena L. Hook