Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called. Councilmembers Leckrone, McElmurry and Roll, and Bothman, Supervisor of City Services, Dan Thede and Deputy City Clerk Beth A Burrell were present.

Miss Leckrone moved to accept the minutes from the September 8th regular and the September 22 special meetings
Mr. Roll seconded.
Motion carried.

Ordinance # 1616 regarding contracting for city judge was given its second reading.
Ms. Leckrone made a motion to accept the ordinance.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion.
Motion carried.


Wireless Tower – Water Plant will be postponed to the October 20th meeting awaiting the City Clerk’s return.


Mr. Roll made a motion to appoint Lucille Briggs as the new city judge.
Mr. McElmurry seconded
The motion passed.
Judge Briggs was sworn in by the Mayor.

The Central School Presentation was postponed until the November 3rd meeting.

Maia Liesz – Land at Main, Flower and California. Mr. Bothman reported that he had asked for 3 appraisals for this small triangle of ground. One appraisal came in at $500. The other two came back with no value. There was some discussion among the council.
Mr. Roll made a motion that they sell the property to Ms. Liesz for $500.
Ms. Leckrone seconded the motion.
The motion carried.

A second meeting was set for October 20, at which time a new councilperson will be appointed. A working committee meeting will be held at 6:30 pm that evening.


CEMETERY – PARKS, Mr. Thede reported that the camping area at Fireman’s Park has been closed. The dump station and small restroom will be left open as long as weather permits.
October 6, 2003

FIRE, Tom Wood, Fire Chief gave the fire report for the month. There were three fire calls for the city, 2 for the county and 2 for the district, a total of 7 calls for the month of September. He also gave a report on the expenditures and repairs for the month.

BUILDING & INDUSTRIAL PARK- Mayor Berget reported that there was still zonolite beyond the testing done to a depth of three feet. They are talking about putting fencing down to the three-foot level. He felt that the water main should be laid there while the area is open and before they backfilled.
Mr. Thede stated that the water line should be established for the college buildings program houses that are being built near the Masonic Lodge. Quotes will be requested from local contractors.
The building maintenance position has never been filled. Gene Wise, the previous maintenance person is requesting that he be able to fill the position on a part time basis.

PERSONNEL – Mayor Berget mentioned that there would be a short personnel meeting after the regular council meeting.

POLICE – Clay Coker, Chief of Police reported that the new officer hired last month is in training. He was a displaced mill worker. The State is paying half of his wage for the first year and his equipment. The department has received $10,000 in grant monies, and the department survived Nordic Fest and Homecoming.

STREETS AND ALLEYS – Mr. Thede reported that the alleys behind the bank and the post office would be paved starting Wednesday, October 8.

JUDICIAL – Mr. Roll mentioned that the new judge was in place.

UNION NEGOTIATIONS – Mayor Berget stated that the union contract had been signed.

TAG – Ms. Leckrone reported that there had been some complaints and some compliments on the cleanup and that it was a good place to go with questions about the cleanup.

PUBLIC SAFETY/TRAFFIC COORDINATOR – Mr. Thede mentioned that there had been some new stop signs put up around town.

HEALTH CARE – Ms. Leckrone reported that there was a hygienist in place at the Community Health Center. The search for a dentist is ongoing. The Center has gotten federal help with drugs for the patients.

Ms. Leckrone made a motion to pay the claims.
Mr. Roll seconded the motion
Motion Carried


Linda O’Brien of Shear D-Zine beauty salon located at 410 ½ Mineral Avenue and Mabel Eddington from Dr. Mendenhall’s office at 207 W 2nd Street both informed the council of the difficulties of running businesses such as theirs without water. Water was shut off without notice at their businesses during the main replacement in the alley between Mineral and California Avenues and 5th and 4th Streets. Mayor Berget apologized for their inconvenience.

Tom Wood updated the council on the arch project of the Libby Revitalization.

Mike Fraser of TD & H, engineers for the Johnston Acres project, updated the council and asked for signature of the contract for services for the water/sewer project. Signature of the contract will be taken care of at the October 20th meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm

Mayor Anthony J. Berget

Deputy City Clerk, Beth A Burrell



Mayor Anthony Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Roll was called. Councilmembers Bauer, Bothman, Leckrone, McElmurry, and Roll, City Attorney Scott Spencer, Supervisor of City Services Dan Thede, and City Clerk Heidi Morris were present.

Mayor Berget reported the contract on the water and sewer connection for the new house the college is building on Utah. The City had asked for quotes, three were received, Noble Excavating, Thompson Contracting and Oedewaldt Construction. The low amount was $7,440.00 from Oedewaldt Construction. Oedewaldt Construction will be contacted about the work to be done.

Mike Fraser, Thomas, Dean and Hoskins, Inc., was in attendance to answer any questions concerning the engineering contract for Johnson Acres. The contract had been sent to TSEP for review.
Councilperson Bauer moved to sign the contract.
Mr. Roll seconded.
Motion carried.

Councilperson Leckrone addressed the Council concerning appointing a replacement for Jane Thom’s unexpired Council term. Miss Leckrone informed the Council of their committee’s recommendation to appoint Gary Huntsberger.
Miss Leckrone moved to appoint Gary Huntsberger to fill the council position.
Councilperson Bothman addressed the Council stating his view of the excellent quality of all the candidates.
Mr. Roll seconded.
Motion carried.

Mayor Berget read the oath of office to Gary Huntsberger, new Council member.

Mayor Berget informed the Council about price comparison on rates for the wireless tower. City Clerk Heidi Morris explained the research of rental fees, agreements etc. in Lincoln and Flathead Counties. At the present time, Montana Sky pays the electricity for the tower, approximately $600 per year. Mrs. Morris recommended keeping that agreement and adding a trade for high speed internet service for the five computers at City Hall monthly rate of $100, also including a one time only $199 installation fee. The total for the first year would be $1999, including $1200 for five computer high speed internet, $199 installation and the $600 electricity for the tower.
Mr. Bauer moved to approve a trade for high speed internet and Montana Sky continued payment of electricity for the wireless tower at water treatment plant.
Mr. Roll seconded.
Motion carried.

October 20, 2003

Mayor Berget addressed the Council concerning the small section of sidewalk needed by the VFW.
Mr. Bauer moved to put in that section using the sidewalk grant money.
Mr. McElmurry seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Councilmember Bauer asked the Council to start considering a new council president since he only has a couple of months left. Mr. Bauer recommended Mr. Roll, and hoped
That Mayor Berget would consider his recommendation since the Mayor is the one to make that appointment. This will be addressed at the November meeting.

Mayor Berget reminded the Council of the annual Christmas party for staff and Council on Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 6 p.m.

The next regular monthly council meeting will be November 3, 2003 at 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.

Mayor, Anthony J. Berget

City Clerk, Heidi Morris