Mayor Berget called the meeting to order @ 7:03pm and led the pledge of allegiance.

Mr. Roll, Mr. Bothman, Mr. Bischoff, Mr. McElmurry and Ms. Leckrone of the City Council were present.  Dan Thede, City Supervisor, Chuck Evans, City Attorney and Glena L. Young City Clerk/Treasurer were also present.  Mr. Crismore was not present.

Prayer was offered by Pastor David Ginther, Libby Assembly of God.

Mr. Roll moved to accept the minutes of Budget Committee Meeting, September 4, 2007, Special Meeting, September 4, 2007, Public Hearing September 4, 2007, Public Hearing September 10, 2007, Regular Meeting, September 10, 2007, Special Meeting September 13, 2007 and County Public Hearing September 24, 2007.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.

The public was given a chance to speak about items listed on the agenda. No public asked to be addressed.


U-Serve Libby Inc., Laurie Mari, addressed the council about funding for the proposed tennis courts in Libby.  Ms. Leckrone stated she would like to have a meeting with the County, City, and Schools to get their input, because they would all be involved.  It was decided that a meeting was a good idea before any decisions would be made.  Ms. Leckrone will set-up meeting.


Ms. Leckrone would like to look into Mr. Crismores absenteeism.  Mr. Evans suggested that we send a letter to Mr. Crismore.  Mayor Berget agreed to send the letter.

The Gathering Place, John Drews and Bonnie Drews addressed the council about help with getting a loan to start a youth center  and skateboard park in Libby or leasing a building owned by the city for a youth center and skateboard park.  Mayor Berget commented that money had been set aside in the past for a skate park.  Brandon Howgan was present for support of the skate park and commented that there are many skateboarders that are interested.  Cody Wilks commented that a skate park was a good idea because there is not much here in Libby to do.  It was decided to find out how much money has been set aside for the skate park and put the youth center and skate park to the committee for an answer at a later date.

Lincoln County Transportation, Karen Turner, addressed the council.  She stated that Lincoln County Transportation provides transportation to people in need of shopping, medical needs and spiritual needs.  She asked for $5000.00 that had been budgeted for them before but never used to be budgeted for next fiscal year to cover some expenses that may or may not come up.  It was decided to take it to the  budget committee for review.

Troy School District, Steve Garrett, addressed the council.  He has been working on the funding for upgrading the Troy Gym, Auditorium and Activity Center.  He has got some funding from the State but still needs 54-55% to be locally funded.  Would like Libby Council and Troy Council to get together and try to come up with some ideas for funding.  He also asked if the City of Libby would possibly be able to help financially.   Mr. Garret would also like to run an election for a Bond Issue to the taxpayers.  Mayor Berget commented that the council and himself would talk it over and get back to Steve as soon as possible.

Property Annexation, Rick & Sarah Barrick spoke to the council on an annexation of Cabinet View that included their property by mistake and asked if a Resolution to de-annex, their property could be done.  City Attorney, Chuck Evans will research to make sure a new resolution is properly written.

River Front Park, Trent Oelberg spoke to the council about the Millers wanting to put up a Pavilion in hopes of having their fathers, debt forgiven by the city.  There was a lengthy discussion and it was decided that, the attorneys from all the parties concerned need to be involved.

Ms. Leckrone made a motion to release the Millers of any claim the City of Libby may have against them in return for the construction of the Pavilion as described if we can come to an agreement with the Attorney’s.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion passed.


Ms. Leckrone made a motion to pay the Claims and Payroll for September 2007.
Mr. Bothman seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Mr. Bothman made a motion to Re-appoint Lucille Briggs, City Judge for another four year term.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion Passed.


The Mayor, City Clerk/Treasurer, City Supervisor, Councilman Bischoff and Councilman Roll will be out of town October 2, 2007 through October 5, 2007 for the Annual Montana League of Cities & Towns Convention.


Clay Coker, City of Libby Police Chief, reported that the Police had 292 calls in September 2007.

Tom Wood, City of Libby Fire Chief, reported no unusual change in September 2007.


Dale & Marlene Herreid wanted to know if they can re-petition the alley abandonment they had petitioned earlier in the year.  The council did not believe they would change their vote if they did.  Don Rigney spoke for the Herreids and stated that when the property was sold by the Herreids the Quit Claim Deed stated that the alley was abandoned, which turned out to be a mistake.  He stated that all parties involved in the sale thought the alley was already abandoned and because of this the alley should be abandoned to be fair to the Herreids.  The council stated that the Herreids could re-petition for the alley abandonment.

Scott Beagle residing at 202 Idaho wanted to know if it was true that the Heritage Council has a $600,000 loan that they are not paying back to the City from the LADC grant money.  Mayor Berget said yes it is true.  Mr. Beagle also wanted to know if the Port Authority owes the City $30,000 in water bills that they are not paying.  The Clerk/Treasurer answered yes, but approximately $11,000 of this is interest.  The Mayor explained that the water is needed for fire liability for the small lumber yard on the property and that if they denied the water for the lumber yard about 30 people would lose their jobs.  He also stated that the fire ponds are full at this time and so the water has been turned off.

Joanne Newman located on City Service Road spoke about selling a piece of her property to the City to make the City Service Road wide enough to be safe.  She proposed that her property is worth more than the City is offering.  Mayor Berget asked Newman to work up some figures and get them into the city for review.

D. C. Orr, residing at 1117 Nevada Ave, was concerned about water bills and asked if the Port Authority and the Golf Course have metered water.  Mayor Berget said that yes they have water meters.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:57pm by Mayor Berget.


Anthony J. Berget, Mayor

Glena L. Young, City Clerk/Treasurer




Meeting called to order at 6:37 pm by Mayor Berget. Pledge of allegiance.

Mr. Bischoff, Mr. McElmurry, Ms. Leckrone, Mr. Roll and Mr. Bothman of the City Council were present.  Dan Thede, City Supervisor, Chuck Evans, City Attorney and Glena L. Young City Clerk/Treasurer were also present.  Mr. Crismore was absent.

Mr. Bothman said he would like to see street lighting and sidewalks added to the subdivision.  Ken Davis commented that the council only has 10 days to accept or deny a subdivision after the first public hearing.  The first Public Hearing was on September 24, 2007.

Doug Roll made a motion to accept the subdivision with the recommendations that Dan Thede made added.
Walt McElmurry seconded the motion.
The vote was four to one, motion passed.

It was decided by the council that we would look into street lighting and sidewalks in future subdivisions reviews.


Meeting adjourned @ 6:50pm by Mayor Berget.


Anthony J. Berget, Mayor

Glena L. Young, City Clerk