The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm, by Mayor Roll who led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed the public. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Orr, Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Desch were present. City Attorney Heather McDougall, City Administrator Jim Hammons and City Clerk-Treasurer Glena L. Hook, were also present. Mr. Bischoff was absent.
Prayer was offered by Jesse James.
Mayor Roll asked for the Approval of the Council Minutes from the Regular Meeting September 20, 2010 and the Special Meeting, September 21, 2010.
Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve Council Minutes from Regular Meeting September 20, 2010 and the Special Meeting on September 21, 2010.
Mrs. Lawrence seconded the motion.
Motion Passed
Mayor Roll announced that Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Desch, Mr. Hammons and Mrs. Hook would be going to the MLCT Convention October 6, 7 and 8, 2010.
Cemetery/Parks; Mrs. Williams reported that the Cemetery/Parks Committee met with Alan Hulse of MMIA about the responsibilities at the Cemetery but the committee did not want to make a decision until they had a chance to talk to the Funeral Home Director, Steve Schnachenberg.
Fire; Tom Wood announced that all was well.
Resolutions/Ordinances; Peggy Williams announced that City Attorney Heather McDougall and herself have been in contact over the Bow Ordinance and should be out by the next meeting as well as setting the cemetery rates by resolution.
Personnel; None
Building; None
Water/Sewer; Mrs. Benson stated due to some legal questions that have arisen she has requested that City Administrator Jim Hammons, City Attorney Heather McDougall and MMIA discuss all legalities pertaining to the grinder pumps. Mrs. Benson feels legal guidance is necessary before the committee can make a recommendation. Mrs. Benson also stated that they would ask questions at the MLCT Convention.
Budget/Finance; None
Police; Police Chief Smith stated that there were 272 cases in September 2010, with 36 citations and 29 arrests. Chief Smith said total cases were down in September compared to August.
Lights/Streets/Sidewalks; Mrs. Desch wanted to remind everyone that she is still working on the bike route through Libby.
Finance Report: Clerk Treasurer Glena Hook reported that she was finished with the year end closing and was working on the information needed to close the Cabinet Heights Project.
City Administrators Report; City Administrator Jim Hammons reported that the core drilling was finished at Flower Creek Dam and would have the results of the core tests in 4 to 6 weeks.
Vicki Randall of 254 Cabinet View Country Road spoke to the council about a letter she had written to them. Mrs. Randall stated the kicker that made her write the letter was when Mr. Frost came to her house and asked her to sign off, that all their needs had been taken care of. She stated that when she told Mr. Frost that they hadn’t and asked about the rocks still in her lawn he stated that Edstrom Construction was leaving that day and suggested that she remove the rocks herself if she wanted it done. Mrs. Randall’s letter talked of several expenses they incurred while putting their property back into the condition it was originally. The Mayor stated that her letter would be taken under advisement and they would let her know.
The Grinder Pump issue is still in committee.
Draft Growth Policy; Kristin Smith, Lincoln County Planning Director, presented the Draft Growth Policy that was recommended by the committee to the council. Mrs. Benson commented that she was very appreciative of the planning board and the effort put forth to form a relationship with the many entities that the Growth Policy represents. Mrs. Smith commented that the board worked hard to address all comments made by the public and worked hard to form a relationship with the different entities of Libby. Mayor Roll wanted to thank Kristin personally for her hard work in the assistance to the planning board.
100th year anniversary of the Fire Department; Steve Lauer of the Fire Department talked to the council about the 100th year anniversary of the Fire Department. Some of the events planned for July 9, 2011 are a tribute unveiling, a parade and a Donkey Baseball game at J. Neils Park. The Fire Department is asking the City to donate $10,000 from CTEP Funds to help cover the cost of the tribute. Mr. Lauer stated they are asking for three things, a street closure for the parade, approval of the site for the tribute and a donation.
Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve Business Licenses received to date.
Mrs. Desch seconded the motion.
Motion Passed.
Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve payroll and claims for September 2010.
Mrs. Lawrence seconded the motion.
Mr. Orr wants to see the Riley Concrete job itemized.
Mr. Hammons will look into.
Motion Passed.
William Escudero of 520 Utah Avenue, Libby spoke to the council about getting a lease to own option on the City’s house on 520 Utah Ave. that they are currently renting. Mayor Roll put it into the building committee.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.
_________________________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor Doug Roll City Clerk-Treasurer, Glena L. Hook
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm, by Mayor Roll who led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed the public. Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Orr, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Desch and Mr. Bischoff were present. City Attorney Heather McDougall, City Administrator Jim Hammons and City Clerk-Treasurer Glena L. Hook, were also present.
Prayer was offered by Robert Mast of the Amish Church.
Mayor Roll asked for the Approval of the Council Minutes from the Regular Meeting October 4, 2010.
Mrs. Lawrence made a motion to approve Council Minutes from Regular Meeting October 18, 2010.
Mrs. Williams seconded the motion.
Motion Passed
Cemetery/Parks; Mrs. Williams reported that Mrs. Lawrence had sent a second letter to Helena about the Splash Pad. Mrs. Williams also stated that Jim Hammons had been in touch with the Funeral Home and was hoping to get a meeting set up with them soon.
Fire; None
Resolutions/Ordinances; On the agenda
Personnel; Mr. Bischoff reported that the Personnel Committee had started interviews for the part time Assistant Utility Clerk position.
Building; None
Water/Sewer; Mrs. Benson stated they were looking into local maintenance for the grinder pumps.
Budget/Finance; None
Police; None
Lights/Streets/Sidewalks; None
Finance Report: Clerk Treasurer Glena Hook reported that she was reconciled for the month of August.
City Administrators Report; City Administrator Jim Hammons reported they were waiting for the results from the core samples at Flower Creek Dam. Mr. Hammons also stated that the David Thompson Brigade of about 200 was looking for a place to camp when coming through Libby next year. It was suggested that Jim look into one of the schools and that the schools had been used for similar events before.
There was no Public comment
Ordinance # 1761, Establishing cemetery fees through resolution;
Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance # 1761.
Mr. Bischoff seconded the motion.
Motion Passed
Ordinance # 1762, Prohibiting Bow and Arrow hunting in the city limits of Libby;
Mrs. Benson made a motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance # 1762.
Mrs. Lawrence seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5 to 1 with Mr. Orr voting nay.
Resolution # 1763, unfilled septic tanks in the Cabinet Heights Project;
Mrs. Williams made a motion to approve Resolution # 1763.
Mrs. Lawrence seconded the motion.
Motion Passed
Attorney Jim Reintsma talked to the council about becoming the next City Attorney when Heather McDougall leaves at the end of the year. Mr. Reintsma stated he would need at least $65,000 per year to take on the City of Libby Attorney position. Mr. Reintsma stated he would be willing to take some training courses on administrative work for small towns.
Cabinet Heights Project concerning Vicki Randall; Mrs. Williams stated her concern was, if we start cleaning cars and carpets and stuff, what kind of, Pandora’s box, will we be opening. Mrs. Lawrence stated that if the workers did not track the oil into Vicki Randall’s house then the city can’t be liable. Mr. Orr stated his concerns were larger in scope and stated that it was promised by the mayor that we would have a public meeting with everybody up there and believes these kinds of issues would be better addressed in a public setting. Mr. Orr said his personal opinion is that we promised these guys a meeting and we should have an end of project meeting with the entire community. Mayor Roll asked what Mr. Orr would like to do with this specifically. Mr. Orr stated that the concerns could be brought to the public meeting. Mr. Orr also stated that he thought like Vicky Lawrence and felt that if the home owners drug the oil in on their own carpets that he did not know how the city could be liable. Mrs. Benson asked if Vicki Randall signed off on the project and it was answered yes she did with protest. Mrs. Desch stated she agreed with everyone else on the carpet issue but maybe the city might want to look into the rocks and stuff that she had to clean up in her yard. Mr. Bischoff agreed with everyone else on the carpet issue and stated that he knew that some cars were cleaned and billed to Edstrom and if that is still a possibility then he would be supportive of that. Mr. Bischoff stated that maybe she could get paid $50 for her work on the clean-up of the rocks in her yard and it could be withheld from Edstrom. Mr. Bischoff also stated he was not in favor of waiving the $500 hook-up fee. Mayor Roll stated that he thought the council could have a meeting with the homeowners in the next couple of weeks to hear their concerns and stated he had discussed with Jim Hammons and Ryan Jones of Morrison-Maierle about withholding some of the funds from Edstrom Construction to pay for some of the stuff that was not finished prior to them leaving. Mrs. Williams asked about the detour road and was it cleaned up. Mr. Hammons stated that it was the old golf course road and the golf course has been using it and as far as he knows it is on golf course property. Mayor Roll stated that probably the first part of November they would have a homeowners meeting and get that taken care of.
Allen Olsen of 33692 Hwy 2, Libby asked the council if they received the $68,000 grant money. Mayor Roll asked how much the city had received so far. Mrs. Lawrence stated about $11,000 had been received so far. Mr. Olsen asked if the city had received any letters from them. Mayor Roll answered yes. Mr. Olsen asked if he could have a copy of the letter. The Mayor answered yes. Mr. Olsen said he would be in tomorrow to pick up a copy of the letter.
Judy Matott of 180 Parmenter Avenue, told the council a story of how an arrow from her neighbor came through her window and stuck in her kitchen wall. Judy Matott wanted to know what the new bow and arrow ordinance would allow. Mayor Roll stated that she had missed out on about three meetings. Mrs. Williams gave Mrs. Matott a copy of the bow and arrow ordinance.
Mr. Orr stated he would like to hear an official report on the $68,000 grant so that the council knows what went on. Mayor Roll stated he would like it presented at an official meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.
_________________________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor Doug Roll City Clerk-Treasurer, Glena L. Hook
Mayor Roll called the meeting to order. Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Benson, Mrs. Desch and Mr. Bischoff were present. Mr. Orr was not present.
Mayor Roll started the meeting by announcing that it is an informal meeting to allow the Working Committee and other Council input on the City’s Growth Policy. Kristen Smith, Lincoln County Planner answered questions from the Committee and Council concerning the City’s Growth Policy. The Committee and Council discussed some changes needed on the Growth Policy. Mayor Roll announced the Growth Policy would be put on the November 15, 2010 Council Meeting for discussion and possible vote. Kristen Smith will be making a summary page of the changes that have been made at today’s meeting for the Mayor and Council.
The meeting was adjourned
Mayor Doug Roll
City Clerk-Treasurer Glena Hook