Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Baeth, Bauer, Porter, Stephens and Thom and City Clerk, Heidi Morris were present.
Mr. Bauer moved to accept the March 4th regular and March 11th special meeting minutes.
Mrs. Thom seconded.
Motion carried.
New stop sign locations were discussed. Two of the most important intersections will be done this fiscal year. At budget time more locations will be considered for next year.
Mrs. Porter moved to install stop signs at 10th and Main and also at 5th and Montana.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
The house on the California property will be taken down on Wednesday, April 3, 2002.
Local resident, D.C. Orr has volunteered to help with this project.
Mrs. Porter will meet with Scott Spencer, attorney to discuss the condemned house issue.
Building Inspector, John Norberg will meet with Mr. Spencer also.
Mr. Stephens explained a report from the Police Committee about the youth center, which included several background checks. The majority of the Police committee
did not recommend approving a business license at this time.
Mr. Stephens moved to go with the Police Committee recommendation and not
approve a license for the youth/family center.
Mrs. Thom seconded.
Discussion followed with one of the owners present, Valerie Glaze. She asked to meet with the council privately to answer some of the concerns about specific background checks.
A closed meeting followed for approximately 10 minutes in the mayor’s office.
The council returned to council chambers and the vote was called.
Mr. Bauer and Mrs. Porter voted yes.
Mrs. Baeth, Mrs. Thom and Mr. Stephens voted no.
Motion failed.
A business license will be issued, with the stipulation that the owners meet all the requirements of the Fire Marshall and the Building Inspector.
Luiane Posey and her son, John Skinner, addressed the council on the sewer line at 509 8th Street, between Minnesota and Dakota. The council will have Dan Thede look into this matter. John Skinner inquired about sidewalks. Mayor Berget informed him of the $1,000 sidewalk grant that was available.
The business owners on the 300 block of Mineral Avenue requested the closure of their bock on Mineral Avenue for Business After Hours on April 12, 2002 from 5 to 7 pm.
Mr. Bauer moved.
Mr. Stephens seconded.
Motion carried.
Mrs. Thom asked about extending lease with the Libby Little League ending in 2016.
The Community Development Committee will review.
Mr. Stephens advised the Council of a possible overrun in the Police Budget. Budget Committee will review.
A working council meeting will be held April 15, 2002 at 7 pm.
FIRE – Chief, Tom Wood gave monthly report for March 2002: Five fires in the city, 2 in the county and for a total of 23 for the year.
POLICE – Mr. Stephens advised the council that Chief Coker has started work on the new budget.
SEWER/LIGHTS – Mr. Bauer reported the schedule has been set up to clean the main trunks.
STREETS – Mayor Berget reported that our new street sweeper from the grant should arrive soon in Helena.
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Mrs. Porter is working on an open house for the Glendora house.
UNION NEGOTIATIONS – Mr. Stephens is waiting to hear from Dan Johns, a city audit is being mailed to him.
John Skinner asked about lower the speed limits by parks and in front of schools. Chief Coker will check the postings. The Police and Street Committees will review.
Pat Naughton reminded everyone of the LADC public meeting with Bill Bassitt on
April 4, 2002 at 7 p.m. in the Ponderosa Room. It is an opportunity for public input.
Jim Rostopher had questions regarding the landscaping at the water plant. Mrs. Thom will contact a local nursery.
It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims as per the claims approval list.
A working meeting for the council has been scheduled for April 15, 2002 at 7:00 p.m.
Next regular city council meeting will be held May 5, 200
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Mayor, Anthony J. Berget
City Clerk, Heidi Morris
Each person not a Council member shall address the Council, at the time designated in the agenda or as directed by the Council, by stepping to the podium or microphone, giving that person’s name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record, unless further time is granted by the Council, shall limit the address to the Council to three minutes.
All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member of the Council or Staff.
No person, other that the council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion either directly or through a member of the council, without the permission of the Presiding Officer.
No questions shall be asked of individuals except through the Presiding Officer.
Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Roll was called. Council members Bauer, Baeth, Porter, Sorensen, Stephens and Thom, City Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Supervisor, Dan Thede was present.
Mr. Stephens moved to accept the March regular and special minutes.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Resolution #1584, Repeal Resolution #1343 & Resolution #1574, Summer Sprinkling, was read.
Mr. Rostopher questioned what the economic costs were to the city when these resolutions were in place?
Mr. Stephens figured that if everyone used the 9,000 free sprinkling the economic costs to the city would be around $68,000.00.
Mr. Stephens moved to adopt Resolution #1584.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Stephens moved to accept the new agenda format, with the following corrections.
Hear the public will be put on the agenda after council action/discussion.
Mr. Sorensen seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Bauer moved to change city lighting assessments to $17.19 per city lot. Original assessment was $5.73 per city lot.
Mr. Stephens seconded.
Motion carried.
Janet Hart, 1305 Dakota Avenue, asked that the council consider installing street signs in the alley behind her house. Several businesses are located on this block and an espresso shop has a drive through that is sending more traffic into the alley and causing a traffic problem.
Council was in agreement in install a street sign in the alley by the espresso shop with an arrow pointing to exit to the south.
Mark Roesler-Begalke, Lincoln County Community Health Center, asked for a letter of support for their organization. Mr. Roesler-Begalke explained that the center would provide access to health care when it is needed. Treatment costs will be based on individual incomes. Proposed locations will be in Libby, Troy and Eureka, with the main clinic being located in Libby. Monies for this center will be received from federal grants and if approved grant funds will be on going for the life of each center.
Mrs. Porter moved to write a letter of support.
Mrs. Thom seconded.
Motion carried.
Street Committee agreed to look at the possibility of locating two new handicap parking spots at the VFW and Sheltered Workshop.
Mayor Berget updated the council on the HUD home that the city purchased at 1022 California Avenue. Mayor Berget explained that he had recently been contacted by Kirby Maki, Libby Public Schools, on the proposed Building Trades Class. Mr. Maki would like to use this property for the proposed class. After a discussion the council was in agreement to contact Mr. Maki and work out a contract to allow the Building Trades Class to use this property.
Tim Charnon, Representing Kootenai River Sports, Inc., Turner Mountain Ski Area, asked the council for a timetable on their proposal which was submitted to Libby Area Development Council. Their proposal was approved by LADC on April 2, 2001 and they would like to start the construction as soon as possible.
Council was in agreement to have a decision on this project by May 2, 2001.
Mrs. Thom, Cemetery/Parks, announced that Lillian Johnston would not be the camp host this year. Mrs. Thom stated that Madonna Wood has shown some interest in this position.
Mrs. Thom also stated that she needed one more person to serve on the Shade Tree Committee. The following names were submitted: Bob Parker, Charlie Lawrence, Jenny Nelson, and Bob Zimmerman.
Mrs. Thom will contract these individuals.
Fire Chief, Tom Wood, updated the council on fire calls answered for the month of March.
Mr. Sorensen, Buildings, reported that he received a letter from Carolyn & Ed Stamy asking that they be able to use the tables and chairs out of the Ponderosa Conference Room. Matter put into the Building Committee.
City Attorney, Scott Spencer, updated the council on the W.R.Grace property. Mr. Spencer mailed out a letter to WR Grace stating that the existing buildings would need to be brought up to codes or WR Grace would need to replace these buildings.
Mrs. Thom, Insurance, reported that Libby Area Development Co. would not be covered under the city’s liability insurance.
Acting-Police Chief, Brent Teske, update the council on police calls answered for the month of March.
Chief Teske also announced that Patrol Officer, David Giffin has turned in his resignation effective April 14, 2001. Chief Teske stated that at the last meeting of the police commission they approved the hiring of Boyd White, Mr. White would be available to work on April 16, 2001. After a discussion the council decided to meet with Chief Teske and have a decision on hiring Mr. White by April 16, 2001 meeting.
Mr. Thom made a motion to write off $788.18 in uncollectable water bills.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Mrs. Thom made a motion to write off $2,401.49 in uncollectable water bill. These bills are from Bankruptcy that was filed.
Mr. Stephens seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Bauer stated that Thomas, Dean & Hoskins has completed that 1st draft of the Master Water Plan. This plan is a 20-year plan at a cost of $27,000,000.00. Mr. Bauer asked that the council consider using some of the interest from the LADC to use for matching grant monies.
Mrs. Porter, Community Development, announced that the City’s website had over 300 hits in one week.
Mr. Stephens, Personnel, updated the council on the union negations.
It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims as per the claims approval list.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.