A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD JANUARY 18, 2000 AT 7:00 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Council members Baker, Bauer, Johnston, Porter, Stephens, Thom, City Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Supervisor, Dan Thede were present.
Tim Berry, Morrison Meriele Engineering held a grant strategy session with the council. Mr. Berry explained that the city was awarded a $10,000.00 grant from CDBG and two grants from DNRC in the amount of $20,000.00 to have a Wastewater and Water Distribution Facilities Plan performed. Mr. Berry explained that these grant amounts were not enough money to pay for the complete plan and that the city would have to come up with an additional $24,935.00 for the wastewater facilities Plan and $23,937.00 for the water distribution facilities plan. After a lengthily discussion the matter was tabled until the February 7th meeting.
Officer Scott Hutchings introduced the Libby Police Departments new police dog to the city council. Cost of the dog to the City of Libby will be $2,800.00. The police department has several fund raising ideas for the payment of the dog.
Mr. Stephens made a motion to pay $500.00 towards the cost of this animal.
Mr. Johnston seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Bauer made a motion to help the Kootenai Heritage Council with the cost of an environmental review.
Mr. Stephens seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Johnston made a motion to pay claim #13088.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Mr. Stephens explained why there was a question on this claim.
Motion carried.
Mr. Thede explained that Fish, Wildlife and Parks, needs to know if the city would like to encumber the new city property, that is located out at the city ball fields, into the city limits. Matter was put into the Parks Committee.
Mayor Berget asked that the Water Committee get in touch with Champion International on the free sprinkling program.
Meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Roll was called. Council members, Baker, Bauer, Johnston, Porter, Stephens and Thom, City Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Supervisor, Dan Thede were present. The minutes from the November meeting were presented and approved.
Mr. Stephens made a motion, as per committee recommendation, not to do a land swap with Dale Kinniburgh. The fire hydrant located on Mr. Kinniburgh’s property will be removed as per his request.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Mrs. Porter made a motion, as per committee recommendation, to not change the name of E. Commerce Way.
Mrs. Thom seconded.
Motion carried.
Christopher Weis, US Environmental Protection Agency, updated the council on the Zonelite mine and current testing locations.
Mr. Bauer moved to accept the 2000 Liquor licenses.
Mr. Stephens seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Thede stated that he was approached by Mr. Beasley, who has property on Commerce Way, about donating 60 ft of his property to the city for a easement, if the city would waive the sewer hook-up fees should he developed his property. Matter was put into the Streets and Sewer Committees.
Mrs. Porter made a motion to allow a fireworks display on December 31, if all Fire requirements are met.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.
Mrs. Priest approached the council on getting some help with removing a barricade that was installed behind her property in the alley. Barricade has been installed at the end of the city limits on W. 1st street.
This matter was turned over to Police Chief, Clayton Coker.
Jim Rostorfer expressed some concern on the four way stop at Main and Fifth Street.
City Attorney, Mark Fennessy, read the oath of office to new police officer, Roger Guches.
Mrs. Thom, Cemetery-Parks Committee, reported Niles Nelson and the City Street Crews has designated new lots at the city cemetery.
Mrs. Thom, City-County Liaison, reported on the following committees:
Animal Control: Submitted November Report
Committee of Aged: will be speaking at their next meeting.
Shade Tree: will be looking for new committee members.
Fire Chief, Tom Wood, updated the council on fire calls answered for the month on November.
Mrs. Porter, Insurance Committee, reported that after receiving a couple of new quotes from different insurance companies the committee has decided to continue with United Health Care.
Mr. Bauer, Personnel Committee, announced that Jeff Haugen and Walter McElmurry were hired at the water filtration plant.
Police Chief, Clayton Coker, updated the council on police calls answered for the month of November.
Mr. Thede updated the council on the progress of the water filtration plant shutdown.
Mr. Stephens stated that he had heard some concern from St. John’s Hospital that the sewer lift station was not Y2K compliant. Mr. Thede stated that a letter was sent to the hospital that the lift station would be Y2K complaint before December 31, 1999. Mr. Thede also stated that the lift station does not service the Libby Care Center or St. John’s Hospital.
Mr. Johnston, Budget & Audit Committee, reported that auditor Gary Nystul would no longer be performing the city audit.
Mrs. Porter updated the council on the city’s web site.
It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims as per the claims approval list.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m