Agenda for Special MeetingJune 19, 2000

  1. Resolution #1576
  2. Closing Fee for land swap
  3. Resolution #1577, Property & Supply Bureau authorization to purchase.
  4. Statement of Qualifications-Engineering Firms


Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.  Council members Bauer, Johnston, Stephens and Thom, City Clerk, Kim Aarstad and Supervisor, Dan Thede were present.

Resolution # 1576, sell & dispose of property belonging to city and Niles Nelson, was read.

Mrs. Thom moved to adopted Resolution #1576

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

Mr. Johnston moved to pay the $235.50 for title insurance and $50.00which is half of the closing costs for the above sell.

Mrs. Thom seconded.

Motion carried.

Resolution #1577, Authorized Agents for Property & Supply Bureau, was read.

Mr. Johnston moved to adopted Resolution #1577.

Mr. Bauer seconded.

Motion carried.

Mayor Berget asked that the council again go through the statement of qualifications for engineering companies. After a discussion, the council was in agreement to go back through the statement of qualifications and form a new short list.

Mayor Berget would like to interview these firms also.

Mayor Berget handed out information on creating a Port Authority.  City Attorney, Mark Fennessy will look at this information. 

Mr. Stephens moved for the adoption of the City of Libby personnel policy.   Policy was changed on Page 18, employee leave of absence.

Mr. Johnston seconded.

Motion carried.

Mr. Stephens moved to accept Police Chief, Clayton Coker’s request for a one-year leave of absence.  Police Sergeant, Brent Teske will be acting Chief in Clayton’s absence.

Mr. Johnston seconded.

Motion carried.

Mayor Berget updated the council on the Industrial Park property. 

Mr. Thede reported that after looking at the concrete problem at the old city hall, the concrete Blatiner Corp is donating to the city would need to be used there. 

Mr. Bauer made a motion to pay claim #13546 in the amount of $400.00 to Neil Bernardy.

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

Mayor Berget appointed Mr. Johnston, Mr. Bauer and Mrs. Porter to Code Book Review Committee.

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried. 

Mr. Stephens made a motion to have Radio Shack install a recorder system in the council chambers.

Mr. Bauer seconded.

Motion carried.

Mrs. Thom moved to pay the water filtration plant operators $20.00 per day for each day they are on call.

Mr. Johnston seconded.

Motion carried. 

Mr. Bauer made a motion to have Allen Olson of Antler Tree Nursery, plant and maintain the triangle on Hwy 2.

Mrs. Thom seconded.

Motion carried.

The next regular council meeting will be held on July 6, 2000.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. to go into an executive session.  No issues were voted on in this session.


Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.  Roll was called.  Councilmembers Johnston, Sorensen, Stephens and Thom, and City Clerk, Kim Aarstad was present.  Minutes from the May regular and special meeting were presented and approved.

Resolution #1575, Budget Amendment, was read.

Mr. Johnston moved to pass Resolution #1575.

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.
  Mr. Johnston, Building Committee, announced that as per the building committee recommendation, the Women’s Helpline’s request for office space has been denied.


Sonya Neisess, Representative of the Libby Chamber of Commerce, read a letter from Executive Director, Linda Beaulieu.  The Chamber of Commerce and the Lincoln County Economic Development Council created a joint infrastructure committee to address the current perceived problems with downtown infrastructure.   The infrastructure committee is requesting an opportunity to meet with the council and discuss potential coordination of infrastructure plans.

Jerry Bennett, Libby Chamber of Commerce, discussed the high water bills that the chamber has been receiving in the summers.  Mr. Bennett asked that the council look into this problem.  Matter put into the Water Committee.

Sarah Barrick, representing the Libby Pool Project Planning Committee, updated the council on the committee’s progress on putting a swimming pool in the city.  The Committee asked that the council consider applying for future grants to help defray the costs of this project.

The city clerk announced the following dates for budget hearings.

            July 17 – adopt the preliminary budget

            July 24 – formal budget hearing

            August 7 – adopt the final budget

Kathy O’Siggins, Conservation Corp., announced that the funding for the summer youth program had been cut for this year. The City of Libby, City of Troy and the US Forest Service have used this program.   Ms. O’Siggins explained that the Conservation Corp would like to continue with this program and is looking for support monies from local businesses and individuals in the county.  Ms. O’Siggins asked the councils help in locating these businesses and individuals.  Mayor Berget put this matter into Park’s Committee. 

Jim Rostorfer had several questions to ask the city council.

Mr. Sorensen, City-County Liaison, reported on the Animal Control.

Fire Chief, Tom Wood, updated the council on fire calls answered for the month of May.

Mr. Johnston moved to decline the Montana Athletic Clubs request to purchase the equipment that is owned by the City of Libby.

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

Police Chief, Clayton Coker, updated the council on police calls answered for the month of May.

Mr. Stephens, Police Committee, stated that the committee has agreed to grant Police Chief, Clayton Coker a one-year leave of absences.  Mr. Stephens stated that the committee would like to make a change in the City of Libby policy that states a leave of absences will be granted only with prior council approval.

Mr. Knudson, Water Supervisor, reported that the bid packages were let on June 5, 2000 for the Haske water line project.  

Mr. Johnston made a motion to accept Thomas, Dean & Hoskins as the city engineer for the city’s future projects.

Mr. Sorensen seconded.

Motion carried.

Mr. Stephens, Street Committee, reported that the committee was continuing to look into the traffic problems on Idaho Avenue.  Mr. Stephens stated that a one-way street on Idaho Avenue was not favorable with the residents in that area.   

It was moved, seconded and carried to pay the claims as per the claims approval list.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.