A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL WAS HELD ON MAY 15, 2000 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS.Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.  Council members Bauer, Porter, Stephens and Thom and City Clerk, Kim Aarstad was present.

Resolution #1573, Annexation of city property, was read.

Mrs. Porter moved to adopt Resolution #1573.

Mr. Bauer seconded.

Motion carried.

Mel Burnett reported that several representatives from WR Grace were down at Industrial Park on May 15, 2000.  Projected clean up and rebuild time for this area in 90 days. 

Mr. Bauer stated that the Building plan has been sent to WR Grace.

  Deborah Stokesberry, representing the Kootenai Valley Grange, asked permission to install a park bench at the city cemetery.  Matter was put into the Parks committee.

Mr. Bauer moved to adopt the Lincoln County Emergency Operation Plan.

Mrs. Porter seconded.

Motion carried.

Mr. Stephens moved to accept the following gas, oil, propane and gravel bids.


                        Gas          1.2717 gallon                       Moore Oil 

                        Diesel        .8617 gallon                        Moore Oil

                        Propane     .75                                     NW Propane

                        Asphalt & Chip Seal                            T Bar S Enterprises

                        5/8” Crush per yard – $4.00                Ward Crushing

                        3/8” minus chips – 15.20 per yard        Ward Crushing

Mr. Bauer seconded.

Motion carried.

Mrs. Thom moved to do a property exchange with Niles Nelson.  Mr. Nelson will purchase property on the 1200 block of Utah and will exchange the property with the city for the property located behind the funeral home on Second Street. 

Mr. Stephens seconded.

Motion carried.

Mr. Stephens reported that the street committee was still looking into the traffic problem on Idaho Avenue.

Fred Weber, representing Montana Sky Link, asked that the city allow him to install a repeater on the water filtration property.  Mr. Weber explained that the repeater would need to be hooked up to electricity and that they would be willing to pay for this bill.  Matter was put into Community Development Committee.

  Meeting adjourned at 7:35.

Mayor Berget called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.  Roll was called.  Councilmembers Bauer, Porter Sorenson, Johnston, Stephens, and Thom, Deputy City Clerk, Beth Burrell  were present.  The minutes from the April  meeting were presented and approved.

Mrs. Thom reported on Demo Park weed control.  She will contact the county to obtain their cooperation in the matter.

Mrs. Thom brought Mr. Niles Nelson’s request to purchase city property behind his existing garage for parking area.  Some discussion followed concerning possible property trade or lease agreement. Decision on the project was tabled until the next meeting.

Ordinances & Resolutions

Mrs. asked that action on resolution 1573 be continued until the May 15 meeting.

Mrs. Thom reported on resolution 1574, explaining that because Champion will no longer be paying for summer sprinkling.  therefore, the council would like to shorten the sprinkling time from five to three months a allow 9,000 gallons of usage instead of 12,000.  Mrs. Thom made a motion that the council accept this resolution.
The motion carried.

New Business

Linda Beaulieu, Libby Chamber of Commerce requested $150 for the purchase of flowers to be planted in beds around the main thoroughfares in the city.  She also requested a means of watering the plants once they planed.  The matter was turned over to the parks and street committees.

Karen Foss asked permission to close off Mineral Avenue on September 9 for Nordicfest parade
Mr. Bauer made a motion to allow closure of the street.
Mr. Sorenson seconded.
Motion carried

Jana Lewis requested the closure of Mineral Avenue on June 10th for the March for Jesus.
Mr. Johnston made a motion to allow the closure
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.

Mayor Berget informed the council of the Women’s Helpline’s need for office space.  They are looking at space in the Old City Hall.  the matter was placed in committee.

Mr. Stephens moved to reappoint Bob Powell to the Board of Adjustments.
Mr. Bauer seconded.
Motion carried.

Seven bids were received on the call for bids for gasoline, diesel, propane, road oil and crush.

Moore Oil



NW Propane


T Bar S
Asphalt & Chip Seal

CRS-2 FOB Libby
193.45 Per US ton

CRS-2P FOB Libby
235.63 Per US ton

HF105S FOB Libby
198.50 per US ton

222.96 per US ton

Price per square yard chip seal City to supply chips and oil.  Price per square yard chip seal City to supply chips.  Contractor to supply oil.  Application to be .35 gallons of Liquid asphalt per square yard.  Heavier or lighter application will influence price per square yard accordingly.

     0.577 per sq. yard
     0.859 psqy CRS-2
     0.921 psqy CRS-2P
     0.902psqy HF150S

Mountain States Minerals, Inc


Ward Crushing
5/8″ crush per yd

3/8″ minus chips per yd


Remp Sand & Gravel, 
5/8″ crush per yd

3/8″ chips per yd

Bids were put into street committee.
Rita Bramante brought the council up to date on the traffic problems on her corner and asked that the council consider some remedy for the area.  It was turned over to the street committee.
Sandy Simonis requested some consideration of the traffic problem on Flower Street.  It was also turned over to the street committee.
Standing Committees
Mrs. Thom, Cemetery-Parks, reported that fireman’s Park is open without a camp host until May 15, putting patrons of the park on the honor system as to paying for camping spots.
Mr. Sorenson, City-County Liaison reported that the Board of adjustments met April 15, approving a variance for St. John’s and one for Terry Maki’s housing of radio equipment.
Mr. Johnston, Buildings, informed the council that MAC wants to buy the exercise equipment now leased by them at the fitness center.  The offer is under consideration.
Mr. Bauer, Personnel, noted that the summer help had been hired.
Chief Coker updated the council on police calls answered for the month of April.  Mr. Stephens notified the council of Chief Coker’s request for one a one year leave of absence to go to Kosovo.
Mr. Thom, Water, reported that May 7th – 13th  is Nation Drinking Water Week.  The grand opening of the water treatment plant will take place on May 13, 2000.
Mr. Stephens, Streets and Alleys, reported on the progress on the Boulevard.
Mrs. Porter, Community Development, updated the council on progress with the golf course and property annexation.
Mr. Sorenson, Shade Tree Committee, related the Arbor Day ceremony.  Libby was once again named Tree City USA.  He also related the animal control report.
Mr. Johnston, Budget and finance, reported that the budget period starts May 2 at 8:00 a.m.
Mrs. Porter, Judicial, met with Judge Dorrington.  she brought them up to date on the dealings in the court.
Mayor Berget informed the council about the meeting with the City of Eureka city council and suggested that the council go to Troy for their council meeting May 10.
It was moved and seconded to pay the claims.   Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.