1487: February 2018

APPROVEDThe 1487 Regular Meeting of the City Council was held on Monday, February 5, 2018 in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske.
Present were Mrs. Williams, Ms. Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Beach, Mr. Armstrong, City Clerk/Treasurer Audray McCollum, City Administrator Jim Hammons and City Attorney Dean Chisholm.

Prayer was offered by Mr. Sontag.

Mayor Teske announced that Mrs. Ford had resigned from the city council. Anyone interested that meets the qualifications, please turn a résumé and letter of interest into City hall by February 12th at 5:00 p.m.

Committee Reports:
Cemetery/Parks: None.

Fire: Mr. Armstrong reported there were 9 calls in the month of January 3 in the city and 6 rural. There is a minor leak in the new fire hall roof, the contractor has been notified.

Police: Chief Kessel reported there were 230 calls for services in the month of January, resulting in 23 arrests, 31 citations, 4 DUIS and 26 parking tickets. One officer will attend training in Kalispell this month.

Resolutions/Ordinances: Ms. Smith said the committee had met and discussed several issues with the cemetery ordinances and will be looking at revising them. They also discussed changes to the tree board ordinance.

Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: Will be discussed later in the agenda.

Building: None.

Water/Sewer: Will be discussed later in the agenda.

Personnel: None.

Budget: The sixth month budget report in council packets. Mayor Teske updated council and the public on the sixth month budget report. Over all the revenue and expenses are where they should be.

Finance: December 2017 cash report in council packets.

City Administrator: In council packets, Mr. Hammons gave council an update on the city report.
KRDC: Mr. Zimmerman said there was discussion at the January meeting about the Way Finding signs and the Gate Way entry signs. There will be a meeting February 6 at noon in Council Chambers.

City County Board of Heath: Mayor Teske said the city had received one application to fill the board position.

Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:

New Business:
Bob Henline Kootenai Country Montana street closure request:
Bob Henline from Kootenai Country Montana requested the following street closure.
• Mineral Ave. from the north end of Fourth Street to the turn-around, allowing a transit lane for access to the Amtrak station.
• Second Street from California Avenue to Montana Avenue.
• Beginning at 8 a.m. Thursday, September 20, 2018 ending at 10 p.m. Sunday, September 23, 2018.
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to approve the closure request for Kootenai Country Montana for the Chain Saw Carving Championship beginning at 8 a.m. September 20, 2018 and ending at 10 p.m. September 23, 2018.
Mr. Armstrong SECOND.
Public Comment:
Bill Cunnane, 622 Michigan, requested the event be a dog free area.
Mr. Henline said he would post signs.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach and Armstrong voted FOR.

April Rainey Libby Tree Board:
April Rainey chair of the Libby Tree Board introduced board members Russ Gautreaux , Dorothy McBride and Gary Huntsberger to the council. Brian Baxter and Michelle Lamey were not present. Ms. Rainey then gave council and the public an update on the tree board.
Mrs. Williams thanked the tree board for all their hard work.

ORDINANCE 1912-An ordinance of the city council of the City of Libby Montana amending a portion of chapter 7.04.020 of the Libby municipal code entitled “definition” and amending the definition of “vicious dog’ second reading.
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to adopt ordinance 1912.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach and Armstrong voted FOR.

Approve renewal business license received to date:
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to accept all renewal business licenses received to date.
Mrs. Williams SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach and Armstrong voted FOR.

Approve new business licenses received to date:
• Rift Raft Rentals.
• Kootenai Property Maintenance.
• Learning Tree Montessori.
• Realistic Handyman Services.
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to accept all new business licenses received to date.
Mr. Armstrong SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach and Armstrong voted FOR.

Approve claims and payroll for January 2018.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to approve claims and payroll for January 2018.
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach and Armstrong voted FOR.

Unfinished Business:
1) Approve the water and sewer committee’s recommendation regarding the $ 9.40 credit.
Mr. Zimmerman made a committee recommendation to follow the original (International Paper) agreement as it was intended and supply irrigation water to residents affected by the well ban. To supply 8000 gallons of water per month for the months of June, July, August and September, this currently consist of 1,065 customers within the city limits of Libby. The breakdown of cost is; $ 2.98 per 1,000 gallons x 8 is $ 23.84/23.84×1065=25,389.60/25,389.60×4=101,558.40 for city irrigation. The remainder of the IP money would be put into an account and used for matching grant funds to improve the city’s water infrastructure. The committee recommends ceasing the$ 9.40 credit for all 1,865 water customers on the City of Libby water system. The recommendation would start in June 2018 along with the $ 9.40 credit ceasing from the billing system. City costumers would receive the $ 9.40 credit in June 2018 and the 8.000 gallons of water.
Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to accept the committee’s recommendation regarding International Paper Settlement monies.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Public Comment:
DC Orr, 1117 Nevada, thanked council for returning this settlement back to its original intent. This agreement will serve the citizens better. Mr. Orr then gave his back-ground knowledge of the International Paper settlement agreement. Mr. Orr asked to review Allen Payne’s contract between International Paper and the City of Libby.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach and Armstrong voted FOR.

2) Discuss the lights, street and sidewalk committee’s recommendation regarding the school speed zone, move forward to a resolution.
Mr. Beach read the proposed posting of the “School Zone” with time of day signs on Education Way from HWY 2 to Ski Road. As well as Balsam Ave from Main Ave. down to Dale Street to Ski Road as a “school Zone” with a permanent 20 MPH, due to poor lighting and lack of safe area for children walking to school. This will also help law enforcement. Committee would like to move this proposal forward to a resolution.
Committee will MOVE FORWORD to resolution.

3) Libby Web Site Re-Design
Mrs. Williams said the committee met and talked about what direction to proceed. Mrs. Williams would like to present updates to council on Feb 20th before they proceed any further.

4) Council Rules and Procedures
Mayor Teske gave council an updated version of the council rules and procedures. Council then discussed and reviewed the council rules and procedures. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN.

General Comments from the Council:
Ms. Smith thanked the tree board and all the board members that volunteer their time and make Libby a great place.
Mayor Teske appreciates everyone’s efforts.

Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
Mr. Armstrong SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach and Armstrong voted FOR.
Meeting was ADJOURNED at 8:29 pm.

______________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor, Brent Teske Audray J. McCollum City Clerk/Treasurer