Zoning Commission
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Review language addressing Front Yard Storage; and Commercial vehicles as they
pertain to the residential zoning districts.
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Review language addressing Front Yard Storage; and Commercial vehicles as they
pertain to the residential zoning districts.
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1. Approve Street Committee recommendation for school zone at Kootenai Valley Christian School.
2. Name Mineral Avenue Pocket Park.
3. Approve all Beer, Wine or Liquor Licenses received to date.
4. Approve all claims received to date.
5. Approve all business licenses received to date.
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1. Christ Lutheran Church’s Community Forum on housing concerns.
2. Approve Resolution #2024 updating cemetery fees.
3. Approve Resolution # 2025 authorizing sale of certain property in possession of local law enforcement.
4. Approve Equal Employment Opportunity Police.
5. Discussion on names for Mineral Avenue Pocket Park.
6. Review 1st quarter budget.
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1. Review revenue/disbursements for first quarter FY 24.
2. Introduction/discussion cost recovery model.
3. Cemetery fees-open/closing costs, grave sites.
4. Water/sewer rates (currently in sewer/water committee).
5. Other committee topics.
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Final Review & Recommendation to Council for adoption of changes to Residential
A, A-2 and B.
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Review and make changes to Title 10 – Vehicles and Traffic as recommended by
Chief Ercanbrack.
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1. Review commercial monthly sewer/water rates and commercial sewer/water hook-up rates.
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1. Approve LOR Grant-Street Radios.
2. Approve LOR Grant-Pocket Park Improvements.
3. Approve MT. Department of Labor & Industry, Banner Proposal.
4. Approve Resolution #2023, Amendment of the Design and Construction Standards.
5. Discussion on names for Mineral Avenue Pocket Park.