Regular Council Meeting #1630

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3. Chamber of Commerce update.
4. Public Hearing Annexation.
5. Approve Ordinance #2005 First Reading, Annexation.
6. Public Hearing for Conditional Use Permit for LAC Arms and Cerakote LLC.
7. Approve Conditional Use Permit and business licence for LAC Arms and Cerakote LLC.
8. Appointment of Gail Burger to the City Planning Board.

City Council Meeting #1629

Download a copy of the Agenda.

1. Approve Igniters Car Club street closure and noise variance request.
2. Lincoln County Health Department request for Fireman’s Park to be tobacco-free.
3. Approve Plans and Report on Extension of Services.
4. Prezoning discussion on Thompson/Bandemer annexation request.
5. Ordinance #2006, First Reading, Amending Title 17, Chapter 04 of the Libby Municipal