City Planninf Board: December 2017

City Planning Board MeetingDecember 11th, 2017
Meeting Began: 6:00pm
Attendance: Bobbi McCanse, Jennifer Nelson, Marv Sather, Gary Neff, Virginia Kocieda, Kristin Smith
Public: Gary Armstrong
Review & Approve Minutes: No changes were made; Gary Neff motions to approve minutes as is and Marv Sathers seconded the motion
(1) Final review of downtown business district zoning draft
(2) Begin setting up zoning for highway commercial district (HCD)
a. Discussion on Intent and Zoning focuses
i. Gary Neff mentioned the intent should address safety first and aesthetics (ex. landscape barriers) second
ii. Pedestrians and well-marked driveways
iii. Crosswalks: improve signage
iv. Find ways to work with MDT (Montana Department of Transportation); plans would be included in transportation plan
1. Marv Sathers mentioned there are no curb cuts on Dakota and Spruce; should follow up with MDT
v. Jennifer Nelson commented on including a statement along the lines of encouraging business growth in the Intent; discussion on whether this belongs in the intent or not
vi. Language to describe gateway to the community; should be included in the intent of the HCD
vii. Accommodate business opportunities; safety /aesthetic natures/gateway opportunities; Kristin will make a draft of the intent
b. Prohibited Uses
i. Discussion on topics that were already covered; mainly focused on standalone casinos
ii. Cemetery placement; crematoriums
iii. Question on motels (one story building) being prohibited but not hotels (multi-floors) because they get more business; discussion leaned towards not including motels as a prohibited use
iv. Major/large fuel storage; Bulk storage
v. Car lots? What if they are annexed into city limits?
vi. Memorial Center selling campers?
vii. Wrecking yards – prohibited
viii. Correctional facilities – prohibited
ix. Mechanic shops; control appearance in the front (include in conditional use)
x. Movie Theater?
c. Setbacks (NEEDS EDITTING)
i. more than recommended 10 feet
ii. 7 ft too small; Moody’s Laundry has good example of the minimum amount of space needed but questioning room for landscaping
iii. Discussion on setbacks; parking stall 9 X 18ft
iv. Settling on 40 feet; caveat for back parking (ex. Rustic Chic)
v. Side setbacks: space between buildings
d. Next Meeting
i. Board assigned to go to businesses within future HCD and bring examples of what they life for the next meeting.
ii. Kristin will bring the proposed map with future zoning and draft of intent for HCD
e. Comments from public
i. Gary Armstrong – asked about the distance from the highway will zoning affect within HCD. Kristin answered by saying the distance will extend ½ block – 1 block either side from Highway 2
f. Next meeting: February 12th
g. Meeting ended: 7:50pm