Meeting 1513

The City Council held meeting # 1513 on Monday, March 4, 2019, in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Brent Teske
Present were Ms. Smith, Mr. Zimmerman, Mr. Beach, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dufficy, Mrs. Williams, City Clerk/Treasurer Audray McCollum, Utility Billing Clerk Jody Martin, City Administrator Jim Hammons, and City Attorney Dean Chisholm.

Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve the minutes from # 1511 held on January 7, 2019.

Ms. Smith SECOND.

Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR.


Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve the minutes from #1512 held on February 9, 2019.

Ms. Smith SECOND.

Ms. Smith asked if Jameson presentation will be available on the city website.

Mr. Dufficy stated there was a correction Page 3, 3rd row down; the SRO’s position will be funded by grants and by the school district, the City of Libby will not be the only one paying for the SRO officer.

Mayor Teske stated, “We are not sure how this is going to be funded yet, by joint funding or levy.”
Motion Passed.

Mayor Teske said, “Pipes are freezing, please use caution when plugging things in to thaw out pipes.”

Ms. Smith said, “There will be a planning board, meeting next Monday the 11th at 6 pm.”

Committee Reports:

City Administrator: Mr. Hammons said “The crews did a very good job widening the streets, some of the piles are very high especially on the Blvd. So, use caution when going onto the intersections.”

The lift station on 1st & Montana Ave is still having problems with one pump, “We have all the parts, and it’s been put back together, but it is still losing its prime. The guys have some more ideas to try to get it fixed; we still have one pump that is still working good.”

FIRE: Mr. Zimmerman said, “There were 5 calls for the month of February 2 in the city and 2 rural.”
Chief Lauer has been working with Jim to get fire hydrant locator flags on each hydrant to assist with locating snow bearing hydrants.

Police: Chief Kessel reported there were 218 calls for service in February resulting in 19 arrests and 27 citations.
The month of February 2 of the police department vehicles were involved in crashes, first was Chief Kessel’s vehicle, which was investigated by Montana Highway Patrol, with a citation issued. The second was Sargent Pape’s vehicle. It was parked on a call; a county deputy backed into him. The county is taking care of all damages. Officer Smith is doing well in the academy.

Resolutions/Ordinances: Met last Friday to review downtown zoning district changes and make recommendations for planning board ordinance 1934.

Lights/Streets/Sidewalks: None

Building: Mr. Beach said the water treatment plant had a new electric heater put in, the other one went out in November, and they couldn’t find replacement parts.

Water/Sewer: Mr. Zimmerman said city crews are down at the lift station dealing with pumps and people dealing with frozen pipes.

Cemetery/Parks: Mrs. Williams said she received a call for April Rainey from the tree board. They did order 5 snow crabs for the park on Mineral.

Finance: None.

KRDC: None.

City-County Board of Heath: None.

Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items:

DC Orr, 1117 Nevada Ave, told council the importance of transparency week and spoke about illegal meetings at the heath board. Mr. Orr would like to be on the next agenda.

Denay Horn, 370 Parmenter Dr. requested a clarification on the report from Chief Kessel regarding the citation that was issued, “was it him or the other party,” she wanted more details on the accident. Horn asked about one of the council members residency status in question and would like verification and clarification on that question.

Mayor Teske said, “The rumors are false on the residence, the councilperson resides well within the city limits, and that’s been confirmed and verified.”
“Chief Kessel is not getting into details because there is always potential for litigation from an incident like this, so until this gets resolved, we don’t get into extensive detail.”

New Business:
Eileen Carney, Kootenai Pets for Life, waive the Ponderosa room fee for annual rummage sale Friday, April 12th & 13th

Brian Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to waive the fee for the Ponderosa room for Kootenai Pets for Life
Mr. Dufficy SECOND
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR.

Mayor Teske recused himself during the discussion of the Igniters request since he is a member of the group. Council President Peggy Williams presided over the discussion.

Mike Wagner, “Ignite the Nites” car show request street closure and noise variance

Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to grant the street closure and noise ordinance variance as requested for the date identified in the letter.
Mr. Beach SECOND
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.

Approve to search out and Environmental Law Firm to assist in IP negotiations.

Mr. Dufficy MADE A MOTION to have the City Attorney Mr. Chisholm provide to the council recommendations of Environmental law firm to pursue an IP contract or renewal.

Ms. Smith SECOND if Mr. Dufficy would accept a friendly amendment that Mr. Chisholm provide the City with several firm names.

Public Comment:
DC Orr, 1117 Nevada Ave recommended a lawyer out of Missoula and said the city did not need to hire an environmental law firm.

Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR.

Approve new business licenses received to date:
CHS Mountain West Cooperative
Roberta Jackson-
Ms. Smith MADE A MOTION to accept all new business licenses received to date.
Mr. Beach SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor,Dufficy voted FOR

Approve Claims and Payroll for February 2019:
Mr. Zimmerman MADE A MOTION to approve claims and payroll for February 2019
Ms. Smith SECOND.
Williams, Smith, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:

Unfinished Business:

Mrs. Williams MADE A MOTION to adjourn the meeting.
Mr. Zimmerman SECOND.
Williams, Zimmerman, Beach, Taylor, Dufficy voted FOR:
The meeting ADJOURNED at 7.32 pm.

______________ Attest; ______________________________
Mayor, Brent Teske Jody Martin Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer