Planning Board: June 2018

City Planning Board Meeting Minutes07-09-2018
Attendance: Kristin Smith, Gary Neff, Virginia Kocieda, Bobbi McCanse, Mark Andreasen
Absent: Jennifer Nelson
Public: none
1. Review of final versions of DBD and HCD
2. Minutes reviewed and Gary Neff motioned to accept with changes; 2nd by Mark
3. Add “Wireless” to 17.24.030 Prohibited uses D. Cell Towers
4. Add correct agency language to DBD as 17.24.160 Other Permits.
5. Consideration: 10 St to US-2 – change to residential
a. Need housing in Libby
b. Permitted uses are for highway district
c. Properties facing/close to tenth should be business residential and the properties on US-2 should stay as highway commercial
6. Changing to business residential: US-2/8th St/Louisiana/Utah
7. Preparation for July 23rd first public presentation meeting:
a. Presentation of history of zoning/growth policy/downtown revitalization policy plan (2005)
c. Regroup in August to see if we need to make changes and then send drafts to council
8. Kristin will send presentations to everyone
9. Gary Neff motioned to end meeting; Virginia Kocieda seconded the motion