Regular City Council Meeting #1672

Download a copy of the Agenda.



  1. Approve Chief Ercanbrack’s request to apply to the Mason Moore Foundation safety grant got officer “go bags”.
  2. Update Council Policy and Procedures with committee procedure (discussion).
  3. Approve Ordinance 2053, Distracted Driving.
  4. Approve Resolution 2052, authorizing a change to electronic funds transfer for MetLife quarterly dividend disbursements.
  1. Approve all claims received to

City Council Meeting #1671

Download a copy of the Agenda.

1. Approve 2-year budget for Local Government Study Commission.
2. Approve support letter for Montanore permit.
3. Reappoint Roberta McCanse for Planning Board/Zoning Board term expiring 2027
4. Reappoint Mark Andreassen to Planning Board/Zoning Board term expiring in 2028
5. Approve all claims received to date.
6. Approve all business license applications received

City Council Meeting #1668

Download a copy of the Agenda.

1. Sydney Stewert – State Asbestos Resource Damage Grant (Information).
2. Approve committee recommendation of skatepark placement.
3. Kootenai Angler request for rent space next to Legion field (discussion).
4. Approve Department of Commerce grant opportunity for Mineral Avenue.
5. Approve all alcohol license applications received to date.
6. Approve all claims received