Council Meeting #1647

Download a copy of the Agenda.

1. Approve Jennifer Nelson to Planning Board/Zoning board term ending 1-26.
2. Approve Dr. Roberta McCanse to Planning Board/Zoning board for term ending 3-26.
3. Appoint Christian Montgomery to Planning Board/Zoning board for term ending 1-25.
4. Approve Ordinance #2010, an ordinance to amend Title 10, Chapter 52, Section 35-General Parking Regulations-Second Reading.

City Council #1646

Download a copy of the Agenda.

1. Approve street closure and noise ordinance variance August 16, 17, 2024 for Igniters Car Show. (Gary Rantala)
2. Approve Ordinance #2010, an ordinance to amend Title 10, Chapter 52, Section 35- General Parking Regulations-First Reading.
3. Approve Mark Andreasen to Planning Board/Zoning board for 3-year term expiring 3-25.
4. Approve Brad Nelson

City Council Meeting #1644

Download a copy of the Agenda.

  1. Approve sponsorship of LOR grant – Montana Department of Labor & Industry – Pilot Industry Awareness campaign.
  2. Approve all Beer, Wine or Liquor License applications received to date: Libby Quik Stop, LLC, 120 W. 9th
  3. Approve all Coin Operated Licenses received to date received to date: Pastime Bar & Lounge, 216 Mineral