City Council Meeting #1617
Download a copy of the Agenda.
- Approve Resolution #2010 amending budget for fiscal year 2021-2022 to reflect actual expenditures.
- Approve Montana Sky proposal to update City phone system and internet.
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Download a copy of the Agenda.
Download a copy of the Agenda.
The Libby City Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing to solicit public comments on the proposed City of Libby Growth Policy updates prior to the Planning Board’s adoption of the draft document and submission of the growth policy to the City Council.
Download a copy of the Agenda.
Download a copy of the Agenda.
1. Approve Creek View Estates Blocks 4 &5 a one-year preliminary plan extension to July 2, 2023.
2. Approve layout modification to Preliminary Plat.
3. Rotary Peace Pole – George Gerard.
Download a copy of the Agenda.
1. Conflicting ordinances regarding corner lot set-backs/visibility triangle-introduction.
2. Rotary Peace Pole – George Gerard.
Download a copy of the Agenda.
1. Approve Libby Area Business Association’s Halloween road closure on Mineral Ave from Sears to the Brewery from 3:30-6pm for Trick or Treat.
2. Approve Audit Contract with Denny, Downey & Associates for Fiscal Years 2022,2023,2024.
3. Approve Resolution #2007, Setting Tax Levy for Year 2023.
4. Approve Resolution #2006, Fixing the Annual