Council Meeting #1611(Amended)

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1. Cyrus Lee Bears ‘n Stuff introduction to request letter of appreciation.
2. Approve Amendment for Bar Screen Project Task Order #2.
3. Approve Ordinance #2003, Second Reading, Amending section 14.32.010 Floodplain Regulations of Libby Municipal Code. (see proposed wording change on page included with attachments)
4. Approve $20,000 expenditure from Community Development

City Council Meeting #1611

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1. Cyrus Lee Bears ‘n Stuff introduction to request letter of appreciation.
2. Approve Amendment for Bar Screen Project Task Order #2.
3. Approve Ordinance #2003, Second Reading, Amending section 14.32.010 Floodplain Regulations of Libby Municipal Code. (see proposed wording change on page included with attachments)
4. Approve $20,000 expenditure from Community Development

Council Meeting #1610

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  1. Approve Chainsaw Carving street closure.
  2. Tabitha Viergutz LOR Foundation introduction.
  3. Approve Resolution #2004, Adopting updated editions of building codes as amended per ARM 24.301.202(1) referenced by chapter 14.04, Building Codes, of Libby Municipal Code.
  4. Approve Resolution #2005, requesting distribution of bridge and road safety and accountability program funds.
  5. Ordinance #2003, First Reading, Amending

Public Hearing

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The Libby City Council will hold a Public Hearing to solicit public comment on whether a proposed qualifying low-income rental housing property meets community housing needs.  The proposed housing complex to be located on Commerce Way in Libby Montana. Cabinet Affordable Housing, LLC will provide information and answer questions from the Council and

City Council Meeting #1608

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  1. Approve Resolution #2003, Discontinuing and vacating Millwest Road and a portion of Millwood Loop Road.
  2. Approve Mayor to sign task order for Cabinet Heights water main replacement.
  3. Approve CityServiceValcon propane and Moore Oil fuel bids.
  4. Approve Fraser Management & Consulting retainer contract.
  5. Approve Animal Control contract renewal with Lincoln County.